I am a huge Brunswick fan. I will pretty much only throw Big B or something they manufacture. I started with a grey Phantom, progressed to the Teal Rhino Pro, and then the Zones.
*fight started*
First off, I haven't actually thrown the Ultimate Inferno. I don't think this ball is a heavy oil ball. I have never seen a reactive, regardless of cover prep, handle large, long volumes of oil. I bowled on some PBA patterns this year. Some were buffed to 50 feet, my Bruiser (3 x 3) sanded to 600 wouldn't wrinkle. I am skeptical that the UI would be that much stronger. I understand that if you slow the ball down enough it would move, I saw a guy throw the ball(V2) 10 mph and it moved.
I have seen the UI in action on THS. If you have enough oil to get it through the heads and mids it makes a nasty move on the back. So, I will agree the UI can handle oil provide the backends are clean and the oil isn't extremely long.
*fight paused*
"Act like you've been there before"