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Author Topic: I Need A New Ball!!!  (Read 1381 times)


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I Need A New Ball!!!
« on: March 23, 2005, 07:30:59 PM »
I feel like a dork admitting it, but i don't know jack about bowling balls.  When you start talkin pin position and 3" this and mass bias that i get totally lost.  I'm a good bowler (just shy of 190 avg) and can read and adjust to the lanes and all that, but I've been lookin at new balls online for weeks now and I can't make up my mind.  I think its because I don't have a f-in clue what I'm supposed to be lookin for.  I have a very orthodox throw.  Right-handed.  I start my approach slightly left of the center dot and play around the second arrow with a nice arc on the backend.  I use a Track Critical Mass that I've had for probly around 10yrs.  I love this ball and am very attached to it but it's on its last leg and is gonna have to retire soon (I might cry).  Anyway, I'm hopin with this info someone can give me some suggestions or at least give me an idea of what specs to look for in a new ball (rg, hook potential, and all that other stuff) I would greatly appreciate it.



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Re: I Need A New Ball!!!
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2005, 12:12:33 PM »
kick, I don't really have a ball suggestion for you, but don't feel too bad about being clueless as far as all the tech details. I have been intensely studying on the net for months now and I only have a vague, rough, idea of what I am seeing out there. It really is mind numbing at first.
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Ben W.
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Re: I Need A New Ball!!!
« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2005, 12:44:03 PM »
Yea, its not your job to know what to look for, because your not a proshop operator.  The way i look at it is, i would at least like to have an understanding of tech, so that i can discuss what i want to do with the ball, and then leave the final decision up to the ball driller.  Cuz he is more versed in layouts, coverstocks, cores, equipment than i am.
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