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Author Topic: I need your opinions of the WARP ZONE, please?  (Read 2904 times)


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I need your opinions of the WARP ZONE, please?
« on: March 03, 2005, 03:20:44 PM »
I am having one plugged right now and I just want a few comparisons with other balls you have thrown.

 I am throwing an OI right now and need to know what to expect. I am going to drill it exactly like the OI unless someone tells me different.
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Re: I need your opinions of the WARP ZONE, please?
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2005, 11:53:59 PM »
I don't own nor have I thrown either the warp zone or OI, and I don't know how much you know about the warp zone, but what I have gleaned from reading is that the WZ will hook more and roll alot earlier than the OI if drilled the same way, as it is a sanded ball intended for heavy oil situations. I believe it is a particle ball as well, but I'm not 100% sure on that.
Hope that helps, but if not, you'll get some help from someone truly knowledgable by noon today I'm sure.
Good Luck.
Ben W.
Recent addition to the Brunswick Nation.


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Re: I need your opinions of the WARP ZONE, please?
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2005, 12:06:22 AM »
I just read your profile and I suppose you knew all that info already, my bad.
And It is a particle ball.(I'm sure you knew that!)
Once the sun comes up on friday the 4th, two things will happen. 1. My two replies won't be relevant anymore. and 2.Someone who can help you will post a reply.
Thanks for reading.
Viva la nacion!!!
Ben W.
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Re: I need your opinions of the WARP ZONE, please?
« Reply #3 on: March 04, 2005, 12:32:53 AM »

It depends on how you have your OI drilled up.  I have a Warp Zone drilled up #3(medium) and in oil the ball rolls well but never seems to make that turn.  Im pissed and am saving up money to get it plugged and drilled for the heavier turn. Cuz all it does is skid on me on heavy oil.  But medium oil is fine for that drililng just as the instructins say.  if you want it to move a ton, drill it for a ton.



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Re: I need your opinions of the WARP ZONE, please?
« Reply #4 on: March 04, 2005, 10:29:41 AM »
And I'm a medium speed with a rev-rate between stroker and tweener - and have 3 Warp Zones and 2 Ultimates. I never take my Ultimates anywhere, and I always have a least one Warp Zone with me. For me, the Ultimate burns up on medium, and doesn't move at all in oil. I can make a Warp do whatever I want with proper layout and surface prep. I like to describe the Warp Zone as a Fuze Eliminator on steroids. Try taking the surface up to about 600 then giving it a coat of the Brunswick High-Gloss. Amazing transformation. I've also used it in box finish with just a tiny coat of polish on a couple of differernt heavy oil sports shots with some success. I have one prepped and polished as stated above that is a Monster ball on a fresh medium to medium heavy house shot. It's a very versatile ball.
The Ultimate, in my observation works for people with either above average speed, or lots of rotation. Those of us with just average speed or a more up-the-back release don't seem to have much luck with the Ultimate. Neither of mine do much of anything with any type of surface prep. You GOTTA match up or any ball will s-u-c-k.


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Re: I need your opinions of the WARP ZONE, please?
« Reply #5 on: March 04, 2005, 10:36:29 AM »
Also, remember that the UI is solid Activator and a very low RG ball which will want to start early early early unless highly polished.
The Warp is a higher RG assymetrical core, and with proper layout can be drilled to conserve energy and have a monster hit at the pins. Since you're going to have both, if you are not already committed to the layout, drill it to complement your UI. If you're UI is layed out to go early and arc, layout the Warp to go a bit longer with more backend. Then you just adjust the surface to match what you want. The surface is Powerkoil 18, with a medium particle load - essentially the same as the Fuze Eliminator except the Fuze is a light particle load.


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Re: I need your opinions of the WARP ZONE, please?
« Reply #6 on: March 04, 2005, 02:52:56 PM »
Thanks for the replies guys!

  Actually, I was drilling the warp to complement the OI to use when the oil volume was a bit too much for the OI.

  My OI has the pin about an inch below the ring finger, just to the left of the midline, with the cg in the thumb positive quadrant at 45 degrees to the pin, and a weighthole also in the thumb positive area above the val, giving me very little side weight but LOTS of finger weight.

  What I was thinking with the warp was drill it the same and finish it with a polished cover over about an 800 grit surface.

  I've also got a UI and an Impulse that I am going to work with. The UI already has the pin above the ring and the cg shifted strong with a weighthole, I was thinking about leaving it that way ( oh yea, the cover is HIGHLY polished). The Impulse is pin under ring with the psa at 90 degrees, putting the cg almost on my pap and the psa well below the val. I had a ball like that once and it was a great control ball so I thought I might try it on this one.

 If you guys have any more suggestions, PLEASE let me know.  Thanks
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Edited on 3/4/2005 3:49 PM
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Re: I need your opinions of the WARP ZONE, please?
« Reply #7 on: March 04, 2005, 02:55:51 PM »
I wish I was where you guys are that there's too much oil for the Original Inferno.  In my case I can't keep it in play in most houses out on he mid-atlantic