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Author Topic: I surrender to the Nation  (Read 901 times)


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I surrender to the Nation
« on: February 14, 2005, 01:33:54 AM »
Public admission of surrender/conversion... This is a true story.

I stopped using Brunswick years ago. My HPH was a ball I Hated, Purely Hated. I swore never to try little b again. I tried Track, but Track was trash. I dabbled in Dynothane, but that died too. I evaluated Ebonite, but that was even worse.

Being cheap by nature, I bought a used Original Inferno. It opened my I's. I then tried an Ultimate, which has become the most universally useful ball I own. I just added a Nemesis. It's nice, and now in the bag.

I've watched too many people switch to Big B and win on tour not to think there's something to it. Once is a fluke, twice a co-incidence, three is a pattern. Big B's current record is impressive and has to be acknowledged for what it is, a heck of a story....

Yesterday, I took six balls to practice and measured the reaction/consistency of my whole arsenal. My Rule... well it didn't. My V2 strong is currently in the dumpster, and my Vendetta has found a home balancing out my second bag.

In all seriousness the UI, the OI, and the Nemesis were consistent, and with the exception of a slight speed sensistivity with the OI, very predictable.  

I'm absolutely sold.
Signature? I don't need no stinking signature...

Edited on 2/14/2005 10:30 AM

Edited on 2/14/2005 11:19 AM



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Re: I surrender to the Nation
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2005, 10:55:03 AM »
YAY go BIG B!!!!!

I just hang out in here cuz its the best fourm, and everyone in here is willing to help out.

It is real crazy how there has been several guys on tour that have switched to Big B and then end up on the telecast.  The guys say "he made an equipment brand change" and then next thing you know you see him throwing Big B stuff.  Its really odd.
AIM = y2moe99

Edited on 2/14/2005 11:52 AM