I dont know your specs or game, so I can't really make a clear judgement. But in general, if you are having problems with balls like the gargoyle, gryphon, and ogre ss moving too much, I'd say the C system Ulti-max is probably too much ball. A good step up with a similar motion to the centaur/DryR combination would be the Karma Solid and Karma Pearl combo. Both are pretty weak, but they should be a step above your current combo. That and having a fresh cover with no oil soaked in yet will give you a noticeable difference. If you want a bit more noticeable gap between the 2 balls, get a massive damage instead of a karma solid, drill the massive damage strong with a low pin and knock the factory shine off with 1000 abralon. The massive will be stronger than the karma solid this way, giving you a noticeable gap between it and the karma pearl, but if it is too strong, put some rough buff or even high gloss polish on it, and it will get downlane in a little more tame manner.
Hope this is helpful