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Author Topic: If you ever.....................  (Read 11920 times)


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If you ever.....................
« on: July 26, 2006, 04:19:17 PM »
.....wonder why you don't see more responses on here from us Brunswick guys, people like Booling Eh would be the reason.

  BTW, it's been way too long since I've truly thanked the real Brunswick Nation members for their support of Brunswick. If you don't think you matter......think again. We LUV YA !!!  You keep us on our toes in an effort to continue to please and amaze you with our latest offerings. We'll keep working hard so you can succeed on the lanes.


I'm gettin' old, I'm hurtin', but I've got Brunswick balls.......Color me competitive.

Edited on 7/27/2006 0:43 AM


Joe Jr

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Re: If you ever.....................
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2006, 12:32:46 AM »
I want to thank you LAW and Ric and Prokopec and any other Brunswick personnel who take time out and come on here and help others. That's one of my favorite things about this company.

Please don't let this one moron ruin it for the rest of us. Everyone knows he's an idiot whos just trying to cause trouble.

¡Viva la nación de Brunswick!
- Joe
Formerly Richard Cranium

Edited on 7/21/2005 1:21 PM


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Re: If you ever.....................
« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2006, 12:54:33 AM »
I second Lefty's response.  

All of these conspiracy posts are absurd.  There is no big secret or big cover up over the Red Zone, the Wizard or the move to Mexico.  They are not rumors, they are facts that have been brought up on this site a number of times.  If you really work in a pro shop, then maybe you should contact your distributor or area ball rep and complain to them for not educating you on the new line of products instead of acting like an attention whore on these boards.

I want to thank the Brunswick staffers who post here, they have been helpful and I appreciate them taking time to post and read the boards.

Please find someplace else to entertain yourself, you gave your two cents and everyone heard it, bumping your own threads and rehashing the same points over and over again is annoying and rather pathetic.  Why a moderator hasnt locked these threads already is beyhond me...



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Re: If you ever.....................
« Reply #3 on: July 27, 2006, 01:09:57 AM »
I want to thank you all the Big-B staff share their knowledge, experience
in BR. They give us alot of help on the problem about our equipment.
Pls keep on and don't let somebody ruin all of us.


P.S. Ric, Rob, i know many bowlers in Asia also read the BR, can u provide
more info about the Intl release. I think all the asian bowlers will
appreciate on this.


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Re: If you ever.....................
« Reply #4 on: July 27, 2006, 01:14:48 AM »
I think this guy just wants the Brunswick guys to admitt this ball has the same reaction.  From what I read they didn't answer that question of his.  Yet they answered others?

Is Brunswick a public traded company?  I always thought public traded company's financial records were made available to the public?

I kow the move to Mexico did not help sell more balls for brunswick.  I know several bowlers that have stopped buying brunswick balls because of this move.  

Now I have thought about buying some balls in the inferno line. I'm not sure if I will.  Right now my arsenal seems set with Hammer stuff.  I'm going to be honest with you guys.  The move to mexico ticked me off.  Does brunswick have any plants in the U.S. or do they plan on doing all there maufacturing in Mexico?

I personally feel Brunswick will always be around.  I know they have lost some bowlers with there move.  There will be new bowlers that don't care where the balls are made.

I think that the brunswick people should answer his question about the balls reaction.  If it's the same reaction as the other ball then why not say it?  Or are the staffers not allowed to say that about this ball?

Edited on 7/27/2006 1:16 AM


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Re: If you ever.....................
« Reply #5 on: July 27, 2006, 01:30:36 AM »
I am a supporter of Brunswick. And who cares if two balls have the same reaction. Why would you care? If you don't like, don't throw Brunswick. And moving to Mexico is a choice by the company. They do not make that choice to make Booling Eh happy. I don't care where the balls are made, as long as they are making good ones. Why would it matter where they are made? Mexico is just like any other country and good things are made everywhere. Even though I only have the Strike Zone (Scorchin' Inferno and Zone Classic coming soon), I feel Brunswick is a good company and will continue to put out great bowling balls for years to come. Brunswick Lefty, ¡Viva la nación de Brunswick!


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Re: If you ever.....................
« Reply #6 on: July 27, 2006, 01:35:25 AM »
You are correct. The Wizard is the replacement for the Nemesis. As the website says, dull solid reactives (especially dull solid PK18) is a very popular reaction. Controllable because of the amount of surface while still retaining a strong backend because of the reactive cover.

The only controversy is that according to the numbers, it is no more than a differently-colored Nemesis. Brunswick maintains otherwise, and that people should throw both to see the difference. Personally, I'd like to see that data and if that's really the case, change the numbers to reflect it. Also, it doesn't bother me one bit if it's the same ball with a different color scheme. They do that with the PGs every year. I'd have a problem with a pro shop telling someone to buy a Wizard knowing they've got a perfectly good Nemesis in the bag, but that's hardly Brunswick's fault.


STRIKESTRIKETAPPED, The above is a post reply from a couple of pages back on this site.

  I'm sure the brunswick balls are very good.  I know the absolute is because I have seen many in action and all looked great.  So your view on " who cares where they are made" is not the point. Even though, a lot of people care about the move to Mexico because American workers lost there jobs because of this move.

  This is what the problem is.  It seems by this post reply that brunswick is not owning up to the fact that the wizard has the same reaction as the nemesis.  In fact from this post reply they are telling bowlers to get both and see the difference.  At least that's what I got out of it.  If that is true then the company is trying to fool the bowlers.  Now if that's the case then I don't want anything to do with a company like that.

Now I don't know how true this post reply is.

Edited on 7/27/2006 1:34 AM

Edited on 7/27/2006 1:36 AM


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Re: If you ever.....................
« Reply #7 on: July 27, 2006, 01:43:37 AM »


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Re: If you ever.....................
« Reply #8 on: July 27, 2006, 06:59:24 AM »
i would like to thank everyone who works for brunswick---whether they use this forum or not. guys like tom tomaras, rick benoit, ron bragg, and ric hamlin have helped me with a variety of questions. keep up the good work fellas !


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Re: If you ever.....................
« Reply #9 on: July 27, 2006, 10:29:19 AM »
The problem here is not that Brunswick made the same ball but a different color.  That's not a big deal because other companies do this as well.  The problem is Brunswick is saying there is a difference in reaction with these two balls.  Now that is BS.

This is also why none of the staffers have answered his question about "is the reaction the same"  They still have not answered that.  My question is why don't you guys just give him an answer?

I would also like to know if Brunswick is trying to say these balls have a different reaction like poster Shelly has said.  Not to mention Bruns is telling bowlers to buy both.


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Re: If you ever.....................
« Reply #10 on: July 27, 2006, 10:38:23 AM »
Not to mention Bruns is telling bowlers to buy both.

That's not really fair to be upset about.

Bowler: Hey, ball company, should I buy this ball?

Ball Company: Yes.  In fact, you should buy two.  And get your friends to buy two.



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Re: If you ever.....................
« Reply #11 on: July 27, 2006, 10:47:41 AM »
Not to mention Bruns is telling bowlers to buy both.

That's not really fair to be upset about.

Bowler: Hey, ball company, should I buy this ball?

Ball Company: Yes.  In fact, you should buy two.  And get your friends to buy two.


Shelly I see your point but you really have to look at it different.  They are telling the consumer to buy both balls under the assumption that there different.  When in fact they are the same exact ball.  I mean they didn't re release it with the same name like Track did with the Heat.  They went all out and changed the name and color.  To me that's ok but if your trying to tell the public that the balls have different reactions then that's B.S.

To some that may not be a big deal but to me it is.  In your post reply you said Bruns denies they are the same ball.  You also say that BRUNS says for bowlers to buy both and see the difference.  That is BS if that's the case and I fault Brunswick with trying to fool the bowlers.  


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Re: If you ever.....................
« Reply #12 on: July 27, 2006, 10:48:10 AM »
The problem is Brunswick is saying there is a difference in reaction with these two balls. Now that is BS.

Have you thrown both?  If not, then how can you call it BS?  IIRC, BTM stated that the Red Zone had more angle downlane than a polished Strike Zone.  It could be pigment related differences (blue vs red) or it could be just manufactoring tolerances from old vactory to new.

I don't see the big deal.  If they are the same and you need the reaction then purchase the balls.  If they aren't the same and you need the reaction then purchase the balls.  If the reaction is not what you need, don't buy them.

All bowling ball companies are in it for a profit.  All companies will make a slight change to a ball (like raise the RG .002) and call it 5 boards more.  There's a fine line between truth and marketing.  But it's all business.  Why bash Brunswick when ALL companies do it?


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Re: If you ever.....................
« Reply #13 on: July 27, 2006, 11:11:11 AM »
ACHAPPY,  I know all company's are here to make money.  I also don't mind company's making the same ball but with a different color and/or name.  The problem I have with this is are they telling consumers that there is a difference in these two balls?  

If there telling consumers that these balls are different then that is BS in my opinion.  

If they would come out and say the Wizard is a remake of the nemesis because this ball had a great reaction so we brought it back with a new look.  That is cool.  However that is not what is being said.

Hey if Track remade the Animal and called it a different name and color but said it was a remake then that's fine.  If they tried to say that it was a different ball and reaction then that would be wrong.

I'm sorry but I don't see other company's trying to fool the consumer.  If you can show some examples of other company's doing this that would be great.

I would love for a company to make an old ball with new colors and even a name.  Brunswick has done this with the wizard which is cool.  I like that approach.  I would like to see Track remake the animal in a different color.  

What I don't like is Brunswick passing the wizard off as a different ball and reaction.  That is simply to fool the consumer and is BS.  

This is my opinion and I don't know if this is true.  From the staffers post reply's and from what Shelley has said this seems to be what BRUNSWICK is doing.  If this is true then I feel it's wrong.


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Re: If you ever.....................
« Reply #14 on: July 27, 2006, 12:14:30 PM »
To some that may not be a big deal but to me it is.  In your post reply you said Bruns denies they are the same ball.  You also say that BRUNS says for bowlers to buy both and see the difference.  That is BS if that's the case and I fault Brunswick with trying to fool the bowlers.  

Really that's what pro shops are for.  I don't fault Brunswick for what they've done, but I most certainly would fault a pro shop for selling a Wizard to someone with a perfectly good Nemesis (I'll ignore the "have both with different layouts and surfaces" because most bowlers aren't like that and those that are probably know why they'd do that).  Brunswick doesn't sell to bowlers, they sell to pro shops (through distributors, but they're B2B, not B2C).

Should they say "The Wizard is the same as the Nemesis but in blue instead of orange"?  I don't think so.  They shouldn't promote them as complementary or different and they don't, really.