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Author Topic: Impluse Zone Problems  (Read 3737 times)


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Impluse Zone Problems
« on: March 21, 2005, 02:18:07 PM »
My Impulse Zone was getting a track wore in it, so I sanded with Scotch Brite Pads and re-polished with Brunswick Factory Gloss the ball has lost it's "Pop" on the backend as well as it's ability to recover from anywhere. I bowl in two different houses and the ball used to work in both, but now doesn't work at all. It now slowly creeps to the pocket with no authority at all on the back-end. Now hits like a marshmallow.

I had this same experience with the original Inferno and sold it because it would no longer work for me. I swore that I would never buy another Brunswick ball again and then I looked at the Impulse Zone cover and specs and felt that I would give Brunswick one more try and it was a good choice until I had to sand and re-polish the ball. Buzzsaws have Brunswick covers and I had similar experiences with them also. Sold all of them too.

I've had no problem with balls from other companies. I do Storm...Ebonite...AMF balls exactly like I did the Brunswick balls and these balls continue to work like NIB balls. I am totally confused why it is only Brunswick balls that give me trouble.

I've tried sanding with Scotch Brite Pads perpendicular to the track, with the track and so forth. I've tried 400-600-800 Scotch Brite Pads along with Brunswick Factory Gloss Polish to no avail. I don't feel it is anything I am doing wrong because as I've already said, I have no problems like this with other companies balls. Only Brunswick.

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Edited on 3/21/2005 11:13 PM
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Re: Impluse Zone Problems
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2005, 10:24:47 PM »
How long did you have the Impulse before resanding/polishing?  Many people have claimed that Big B balls need to be 'broken in'.  I've never really needed a break-in period.  Maybe you just need time to burn off some of the polish.

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Re: Impluse Zone Problems
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2005, 10:50:11 PM »
How long did you have the Impulse before resanding/polishing?

50-60 games......Ball worked perfect out of the box and needed no breaking in. It quit on me after it got broken

On the polish of breaking in or how shiney or burn off, etc., I
ve tried all different levels of polishing. Light shine...medium shine...real shiney...etc. In addition to the Brunswick polish, I have tried Black Magic, Storm X-tra Shine, Storm Step 2, and Columbia 2000 grit polish. I've also tried these polishes with light, medium, and heavy pressure on the spinner, to no avail.
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Re: Impluse Zone Problems
« Reply #3 on: March 23, 2005, 08:35:29 AM »
Just my 2 cents.  I really don't like using polish except when on dry conditions or when I am trying to get more length on a ball.  See if you can get some Abralon pads if you have a spinner and use them to get it back to original finish.  THIS GIVE YOU THE FINISH EXAMPLE 2000 BUT WITHOUT THE WAX.  I am not a big rev player and find that polish really kills MY ball reaction.  Just a thought, hope it works.  I don't have an impulse but have used a lot of Big B balls, Raging, Original, Ultimate, have a friend who has an impulse with medium rev and had 3 300 with it and all he ever does is keep the surface clean, NO polish.  Good ball, hope you find the solution. Good Luck


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Re: Impluse Zone Problems
« Reply #4 on: March 23, 2005, 09:25:49 AM »

The same thing has happened to me.  I haven't had enough time to "play around" to see if I can solve the problem.  But following the Brunswick condition guide sand to 400 then polish with factory finish the ball just lost what it had.  I do not want this ball sanded as I have other balls for that.  The reaction I had out of box was impressive and I want it back, just not sure how to get there.

Jeff S.


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Re: Impluse Zone Problems
« Reply #5 on: March 23, 2005, 09:43:57 AM »
I have experienced similar occurrences with an original inferno, cherry bomb and a uranium pearl.  It seemed like regardless of what I tried, the balls just didn't seem to do anything once the surface was changed...  The surface could be totally tracked out and they would still hook etc.. as soon as altered them (even the least bit), they seemed to just die....dull, polished, 400 grit, 1000 grit, it just didn't seem to matter.  Finally, I contacted Lane#1 about this problem.  As always, their customer service  was top-notch.  After a brief discussion, they suggested two things to try.

1) oil extraction.  Use the compounds (columbia's or ebonite's), or good old fashion way of heat.  Luckily I have access to a rejuvenator, so I threw the last ball (the uranium pearl) in the box.  I ran it two cycles, cleaning it with the simple green/alcohol/water mixture after each.  The surface actually had some "tac" after that.

2) ball roundness.  They said that it was possibly the ball became "out of round" from the sanding.  I wasn't 100% sold on that idea as I had sanded and polished many others before without the problem... but I figured maybe it was worth a shot.  I took the ball over to our neighboring house, which happens to have a haus in their proshop.  I threw the ball on there for a cycle, finished it to 600 grit, then gave it a light polish.

This combination seemed to do the trick.  The reaction wasn't a strong as before I had adjusted the surface, but at least there was some back, so the ball was unable.  I wish I had spoken to them before I sold my cherry bomb and my original inferno.. oh well.   Since that time, I have decided to use as much "preventative" maintenance as possible to delay the need for a resurface of my Big B coverstock equipment.  Religiously clean the cover after each time of use, keep sanded covers sanded (lightly hit with 800 grit on my nemesis) and keep polished covers polished (lightly polish my absolute) after every couple sets.  So far, it seems to be working fairly well...  

Anyway, it may be worth giving those two a shot.  Hopefully it will work for you.

-Strapper Squared

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Re: Impluse Zone Problems
« Reply #6 on: March 23, 2005, 09:47:46 AM »
I've had the same problem with my Original Inferno after resurface. I've not tried Brunswick High Gloss Polish but tried different polishes instead. I guess I have to mention that my OI has around 150 games on.

I have also Impulse with couple of games on. I want to know what to do when the time comes. I appreciate if any brunswick reps could answer Brickguy221's original question.


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Re: Impluse Zone Problems
« Reply #7 on: March 23, 2005, 10:21:17 AM »
Jim i agree with all of the above statements but Dale is right on here, on big B and lane 1 i have to use no polish in fact i have to knock off factory polish to get reaction on some of the factory polished balls. I have 2 impulses one at factory and 2000 abralon the 2k gets about 5 feet farther down the lane and arcs very hard. The point is maybe the polish does not allow your ball to get into a roll soon enough or ever, i find ebonite facotry finish or neo tac control to be best polish i can use on other brands of balls that i do polish up.

 Some balls i can mirror finish and hook alot some will not take polish at all, more so big b and lane 1 but i have had the problem with TRack Rule and big bully same cover on both balls i cannot polish or these balls go super long and never make a defined move. Some chemical compositions just do not like polish in my hands and some balls like ebonite xcel particle and ebonite big time got better after shining them up. MY it is my rev rate lack of or tilt or extreme rotation on the ball i get about 60-70 degrees if i really come around the ball.


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Re: Impluse Zone Problems
« Reply #8 on: March 23, 2005, 01:20:13 PM »
Thanks to all that have replied. At least it appears that I am not the only person having the Brunswick Coverstock problem. With Brunswick lacking qualified Reps. here like Track has, I doubt Brunswick even knows there are problems. I will post more today.

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Re: Impluse Zone Problems
« Reply #9 on: March 23, 2005, 01:46:23 PM »
The high gloss polish isnt actually a "polish" it has been discussed it is a grit filler, you apply it AFTER you make your surface preperations and it kinda locks them in.

I have not had one problem yet with any of my balls, impulse and classic, and i applied high gloss polish to both coverstocks after they started tracking and the polish began to fade.  And they preformed just as they had in OOB condition.
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Re: Impluse Zone Problems
« Reply #10 on: March 23, 2005, 11:18:27 PM »
Just my 2 cents. I really don't like using polish except when on dry conditions or when I am trying to get more length on a ball. See if you can get some Abralon pads if you have a spinner and use them to get it back to original finish. THIS GIVE YOU THE FINISH EXAMPLE 2000 BUT WITHOUT THE WAX. I am not a big rev player and find that polish really kills MY ball reaction. Just a thought, hope it works.  

Dale, The original finish is a polished finish, so to get back to NIB finish, I have to polish it. I may have to buy some Abralon pads & Cab Blocks it that is what it takes. Cheaper than throwing this ball away and buying
The ball is light load particle and everyone says not to use sand paper on particle, so I have only used Scotch Brite Pads so far. I E-mailed Tom Tomaras of Brunswick a few days ago and he said that sandpaper is ok on the particle in the Impulse Zone coverstock, but I still worry that it isn't. If all else fails, I may try sanding to 1500 or 2000 and then buy Abrolon Pads if that fails. What do I have to lose?

I have experienced similar occurrences with an original inferno, cherry bomb and a uranium pearl. It seemed like regardless of what I tried, the balls just didn't seem to do anything once the surface was changed... The surface could be totally tracked out and they would still hook etc.. as soon as altered them (even the least bit), they seemed to just die....dull, polished, 400 grit, 1000 grit, it just didn't seem to matter.

Strapper, exactly. I too had the Uranium Pearl and when I first got it I loved it until the first time I touched the cover and than after that, I hated it and sold it.

1) oil extraction.  

I checked this and all is OK. I use Track's Clean & Dull after every bowling session.

2) ball roundness. They said that it was possibly the ball became "out of round" from the sanding. I wasn't 100% sold on that idea as I had sanded and polished many others before without the problem... but I figured maybe it was worth a shot. I took the ball over to our neighboring house, which happens to have a haus in their proshop. I threw the ball on there for a cycle, finished it to 600 grit, then gave it a light polish.


I haven't sanded it enough for it to get out of round, but if all else fails, I may look into that. It's just strange that a person can't sand to meet what Brunswick did to the cover before polishing and shipping. I would think that Brunswick would go out of their way to help because it surely it would cost them business. For example take myself, with as much trouble as I've had with Brunswick coverstocks, this will probably be the last Brunswick ball I will buy, and I am sure I am not alone here.

I appreciate if any brunswick reps could answer Brickguy221's original question.

Burak, I don't think you will see any Brunswick Reps trying to help, as they are few and far between, if any at all. None have offered any help yet. If this was a Track ball and in the Track Forum,  the Track Reps., would already be involved the first day of posting, with helping/solving the problem. In fact, Charlest recently posted a Topic in the Track Forum about how great the help  from Track and their staff are at helping people. This type service prompted my most recent ball purchase to be a Track ball.
Jim i agree with all of the above statements but Dale is right on here, on big B and lane 1 i have to use no polish in fact i have to knock off factory polish to get reaction on some of the factory polished balls. I have 2 impulses one at factory and 2000 abralon the 2k gets about 5 feet farther down the lane and arcs very hard.

Barry, between you and Dale, You two about have me talked into order some Abrolon Pads and a Cab Block. I may message you and Dale for more information-help-instructions on this because this appears to be the way to go.

As for rev rate, I am a low rev guy, or in other words, rev challanged so some polished balls won't work for me while others will. The Storm Trauma line of polished balls ,the Storm Triple X and Ebonite V2 Pearl are some of the pearl/ polished balls that work very well for me. Even when I Scotch Brite them to 400 and 600 and re-polish them they still work like NIB balls.
The high gloss polish isnt actually a "polish" it has been discussed it is a grit filler, you apply it AFTER you make your surface preperations and it kinda locks them in.

Moe, I agree with you it is a filler and not a polish, but Brunswick stills refers to it as Factory Gloss Polish and of coarse it shines like polish.

I mentioned that I had tried 800 Grit canding and that was in error, but the 400 and 600 wasn't in error. Yesterday morning before my afternoon league session, I resanded the Impulse Zone on my spinner with 800 Grit Scotch Brite Pads (Gray ones). I gave the ball the standard 6 sided sanding with the final sanding running in the same direction as the track.

Previously when I polished with the Brunswick polish, it took a bunch of polish to get close to the NIB shine. Although the Brunswick instructions don't instruct a person to dampen a cloth when polishing, yesterday I dampened an old cotton sock to use to put the polish on. I put on approximately a quarter size glob of polish. I did this on one half of the ball. By doing this the polish stayed wet longer and didn't dry fast at all as it previously did. Then when it finally began showing signs of drying, I finshed polishing it with a flannel cloth. I then turned ball over and did the other half of ball likewise. I then sprayed water on one half of ball and sort of burned the water in, and turned ball over and did other side likewise, and "volia", the shine was a perfect match when compared to a new ball in pro shop.

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Edited on 3/28/2005 12:19 PM
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Re: Impluse Zone Problems
« Reply #11 on: March 26, 2005, 12:59:26 PM »
I have four Infernos and have resurfaced all of them and never noticed a difference in their reaction. I believe with Infernos there is a break in period. Seems after resurfacing the same thing is true. Could be a smooth surface on the Activator coverstock is not as aggressive as when it has tracked up a bit. As far as polish, I have used (3M Finesse-It II) for years. It can give a high gloss or sheen depending on how long you spin the ball. It contains no silicone so you don't have to worry about excessive skating. It gets the ball thru the heads and still allows it to attack on the back end.