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Author Topic: Impressions of the inferno (compared to my Raging)  (Read 2575 times)


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Impressions of the inferno (compared to my Raging)
« on: December 30, 2003, 05:43:23 PM »
Let me say I was looking for a ball to fit between my Raging (drilled Label leverage- 4X5 pin at the side of my ring  just above the "safe zone" line), and my Monster frenzy (drilled 5X5 pin above ring)......

I got to throw the inferno last night- finally....

I threw the Raging the first game shooting 244, then towards the end of the second game it was burning up early and shot 207.  I was playing from about 25 pushing the ball out to 7/8 and killing the pocket.  By the end of the 2nd game I was trying to throw the Raging harder and it was still coming in high.  Grabbed the inferno smiling and thought "great, here we go".......Moved a little to the right, got my speed back down where I'm comfortable and left the 1,2,, not quite as strong as I thougt???  Moved a few more boards to the right and got to the head pin, just barely.....Struggled thru the last game for 165.....DOH!!

Well lets just say it didn't give me what I expected....Now I'm not saying it was bad, just not what I expected.    In reality it is a touch stronger than my frenzy, but not much.  It is drilled 5X4.5 (pin over ring, cg kicked out about 1/2" from grip center, no balance hole needed- It is a 5" pin out ball though).  The only thing I did to the surface was hit it with a little Track clean 'n smooth which is a 1500 finish, just to take the shine down a hair, as I don't seem to have success with a highly polished surface ball.

I guess I was hoping for it to be more aggressive... Of course there was some spotty carry-down, but with all the reviews of how much of a hooker this was I was thinking there should be more....

Guess I'll be sanding/scotch briting it more.....

As always hindsight is always 20/20....maybe I should have got a 3" pin and drilled it more like my Raging???   Then again, I wanted a control ball...and should definately have it!  Maybe this is a good reason to get a Warp Zone and polish the Raging a little......LOL!

Edited on 12/31/2003 9:47 AM



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Re: Impressions of the inferno (compared to my Raging)
« Reply #1 on: December 31, 2003, 09:06:16 AM »
I know a lot of people, myself included, had a problem with over/under in the out of the box condition. I hit mine with 600 paper, then used a 1000 professional polish, and it not only cured the over/under, but turned it into one he11 of a ball. I have to keep it polished to keep the hook under control, otherwise I cant stay out of brooklyn.
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Re: Impressions of the inferno (compared to my Raging)
« Reply #2 on: December 31, 2003, 09:37:28 AM »
Dang...hit the wrong button...anyway,

Agreed with No1,

Took mine down with a green pad and it was more aggressive overall, but still hesistated a little in the longer juices.
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Re: Impressions of the inferno (compared to my Raging)
« Reply #3 on: December 31, 2003, 10:19:59 AM »
I kinda here what you are saying...I have both A Raging and a (regular) Inferno.  BOTH drilled the same.  The Raging hooks earlier, revs harder, hooks more in oil but is more even on the backend.  Does as advertised but I would like a TOUCH more hook out of it at times.

The Inferno is the hardest hitting ball I've thown in some time.  I drilled one that no one wanted:  4.5" pin 4.5 oz of top.  I expected a ball that I really could not control.  I was wrong.  The ball is as advertised as well.  Brusnwick says this coverstock adapts to the lane conditions and it does!!  This ball always clears drier heads, reads the midlane and hits as hard as it needs to or as you have released it.  My exmaple:  a few nights ago in league, wood house with crappy heads, not much hold, ob way right.  I started with a Storm Boost.  Ball hooked too early and when I moved it hit like a tomato.  Shot 155 game 1.  Took out the Inferno, moved 1 and 1 right off my last shot with the Boost and shot 238, 258!!  I actually had more than enough skid and flip.  Everyone else was threw the beak all night and me from 23 out to 15 lived in the hole.  Only left, a few 10 pins where the ball actually hung, to a stone 9 and stone 7.  It amazes me that this ball seems to "read" a less than steller shot on your part.  On a slower or tigher shot the wants to "hook-out" high flush.  I get away with a "soft" release 90 percent of the time.  I leave more stone 9's cause the ball should have went high but stayed high flush.  I think people need understand that this ball kind of has a mind and tries to stay within the pocket.  The only thing I'll say is that the ball will hang for a ten if you miss in the oil, it will get back but could leave the ten.  Scotch brite, maybe but throw it in practice and try to see the room you have to send to the dry and watch it hold high flush.  Maybe it's just me but I do see what Brusnwick is talking about in their description of this ball and the coverstock tendencies.

PS I have a Columbia Wired and the Inferno puts it to shame!!!!


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Re: Impressions of the inferno (compared to my Raging)
« Reply #4 on: December 31, 2003, 11:19:30 AM »
I think I'm going to take it down to 800 or 1000....see If I can get a better read out of it....

I couldn't wait to throw it, as my Raging is already one of my all time favorites......I'm tempted to buy another Raging just to try a different layout, and then another just to keep incase they discontinue it.....


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Re: Impressions of the inferno (compared to my Raging)
« Reply #5 on: January 01, 2004, 12:34:14 AM »

 I definately think you're mistake was not drilling it just like you're ragin inferno.  I think so long as you have head oil and the backends arent stupid dry, the same drilling on your inferno would've been the reaction you were looking for that night.  Naturally would've given you more push but still kept a stronger move on the backend than your frenzy. Just my opinion though, good luck with your dilemma


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Re: Impressions of the inferno (compared to my Raging)
« Reply #6 on: January 01, 2004, 08:35:02 AM »
OverUnderActivator". Let off it a little, miss it by half a rev at the bottom and it's into the bowels of tweener hell. Great ball for the practice bag for this reason, though. Throwing this on a sport pattern would be my idea of hell.

To get rid of the over under sand the ball with 600, or a green scotch brite pad. then Polish it with whatever your choice of polish is, I use 1000. It will cure the over/under and make the ball much more controllable overall.
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Re: Impressions of the inferno (compared to my Raging)
« Reply #7 on: January 01, 2004, 08:46:50 AM »
I was told by another member on this site to sand to 2000 and leave the polish off. All I had on hand was 1500 sandpaper, so I used that and no polish and it worked for me.
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Re: Impressions of the inferno (compared to my Raging)
« Reply #8 on: January 01, 2004, 01:42:03 PM »
I just sanded it with 1000....we'll see how that works.....

if not, anyone want to by an inferno 5" pin out that is like new?