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Author Topic: Impulse Zone  (Read 1674 times)

Roger Clausen

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Impulse Zone
« on: February 11, 2005, 02:15:04 AM »
My impulse has arrived at the pro shop and have decided to use the "DRY" drilling pattern due to my ball speed.  I have a quamtum jade tour version drilled this way (pin above the bridge and gives me plenty to hook and hard finish).  I would like to through this ball with the hand more behind the ball,
my pap is 5 and 1/4 over and 1/2 up. Thumb is 1/8 rt and 1/8 reverse angled about 10:30.  How could I chane thumb specs to assist me in getting more behind the ball.   Thamks,  Dr "C"



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Re: Impulse Zone
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2005, 10:21:33 AM »
Two quick questions:

- Have you had your pro shop guy analyze your grip recently?
- Have you tried John Jowdy's "ring finger lead" release, as described in Bowling This Month magazine recently?
"Dispensing conventional wisdom to a fingertip world."

Horrid in Doubles, torrid in Singles...
...that's The Curse of Dusty.