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Author Topic: Impulse Zone vs UI  (Read 1284 times)

Let It Bleed

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Impulse Zone vs UI
« on: January 20, 2005, 04:41:08 AM »
I'm just wondering from people who have used both. Drilled properly, can the Impulse Zone be just as potent on a heavier shot as the UI, if not more aggressive?
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Re: Impulse Zone vs UI
« Reply #1 on: January 20, 2005, 12:44:29 PM »
I just punched out an Impulse Zone.  I can't imagine the hook potential for a UI compared to the IZ.  My IZ was drilled to hook, mind you.  But was a LOT more than I initially was looking for.  With my ball speed(17.5ish mph), I was able to make a move left and play deeper inside than I had originally intended.  Most people will tell you that a UI hooks more, but I'd be hard pressed to believe that's it's much more than a few boards with my ball speed.
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Re: Impulse Zone vs UI
« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2005, 04:47:49 PM »
Well my UI never see enough oil half the time so i ever use it on a regular basis, but on a flood and sport shots the ball has come through. i can prob use it on a fresh shot for one game. my IZ is cleaner and is more for the backends havent tried it on a lot of oil yet but the ball probably will have success. but my thought would be on most house conditions both can hook tremendously as long as there is asome oil in the front.

Next Level PS

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Re: Impulse Zone vs UI
« Reply #3 on: January 20, 2005, 11:37:04 PM »
I took my down to 800 grit like the UI the IZ hook atleast 4-8 boards more on the back.

Next Level Proshop
Union, NJ