quote: Just out of curiositywho taught you. Dad, brother, mom, nick or all or noneof the above?
quote: Can you please share with us some stuff like your high series, game, avg, etc?
quote:You're super cute, but you might be a little too old for me . . Oh, you throw a pretty good ball too. quote:I am 18.--------------------Krista--------------------
quote:I am 18.--------------------Krista
quote:Ewald can go coast to coast if he wants and needs to. I haven't seen any full rollers other then Tom Smallwood that outhook Ewald when the shot calls for it. Dave and Smalls are 2 freaks of nature on the lanes.
quote:How did this generate seven pages?--------------------If there's two things I can not stand it's people who are intolerant of other peoples' cultures and the Dutch!
quote:Fighting for equality?Nooo, they would be aiming too low.--------------------Nick Smith ... A.K.A. Les Badder™Brunswick -=- PBA 03-06http://www.BrunsNick.com¡Viva la nación de Brunswick!