True, the coverstock is what's in contact with the lanes, however it doesn't retain the "stored energey" of the ball. More of a means of energy transfer when friction begins to occur. The greater the retention of energy, the more explosive the ball can be. Of course, oily lanes is usually the nemesis, but that too can be adjusted.
This is a great forum!!! I've been away from bowling for a "minute" (knee injury) and have recently returned. Before my accident, I took a strong interest in drilling my own balls hence learning and (still) understanding the impact of different "layouts". Ihave to admit, bowling like the auto industry has definitely become "hi-tech". What's really interesting is how they've managed to maintain simplicity (drill patterns for a 2 piece ball) yet yield better results.
Not important to "make" the lanes give you a shot, but how well you master the shot provided by the lanes"
"If you want SQUARE work, you DON'T CUT CORNERS!!!"....