The Tenacity is going to be something special. With the reaction, shelf appeal for the shops and of course it has the dynamiCore technology
Something special...special pricing, $89.99 in 4 months
Maybe not good for the company but hey won't hear me complain about double digit ball prices. Wouldn't own a Fix if wasn't for that $90 price point. Sure been using it alot more than the $150 IQ Tour or $165 Scandal Pearl that sits in the closet lately but to be fair also due to conditions I see as well.
(edit: wanted a strong 2 piece ball that can handle heavier oil so scored a Quantum Green. Thought about the Nano but remembered all the razzing and Tamer saying its a bit niche and more for sport shot and reminds him of the Hy-Road solid and made up my mind, discounting works even though Quantum should have been $120 or so long ago imo)