
Equipment Boards => Brunswick => Topic started by: Iketown300 on July 29, 2004, 10:42:42 PM

Title: Inferno drill pattern?
Post by: Iketown300 on July 29, 2004, 10:42:42 PM
Drill pattern 1--has a 4 inch pin to pap, pin next to ring w/ the mb just barely below and right of the thumb w/ a hole just under and past my pap.

Drill pattern 2--the 135 degree layout with pin above the ring and the mb 135 degrees from the PAP.

The Ball is the original inferno. My PAP is 4 3/4 right and 1/4 up. Medium rev rate and medium speed. Axis rotation about 45-55 degrees.

Any help would be appreciated and thanks to jeffrevs for drill pattern 1.

Ike Brownfield
Title: Re: Inferno drill pattern?
Post by: agroves on July 30, 2004, 01:51:53 PM
Drill pattern 1--has a 4 inch pin to pap, pin next to ring w/ the mb just barely below and right of the thumb w/ a hole just under and past my pap.

Drill pattern 2--the 135 degree layout with pin above the ring and the mb 135 degrees from the PAP.

The Ball is the original inferno. My PAP is 4 3/4 right and 1/4 up. Medium rev rate and medium speed. Axis rotation about 45-55 degrees.

Any help would be appreciated and thanks to jeffrevs for drill pattern 1.

What is your question??

The Original inferno doesn't have a mb.  

Wanna review my balls
Title: Re: Inferno drill pattern?
Post by: Iketown300 on July 30, 2004, 02:30:09 PM
agroves all bowling balls have a mb.
Ike Brownfield
Title: Re: Inferno drill pattern?
Post by: J_Mac on July 30, 2004, 02:39:10 PM
I'm sure he meant a MARKED mass bias.
The summer...  time to get my ARSEnal in gear!
Title: Re: Inferno drill pattern?
Post by: agroves on July 30, 2004, 03:04:31 PM
Not all bowling balls have a MB, maybe in theory they do.  But is that little bit of offset(after drilling) going to make that big of a difference?  Probably not.  We are talking about a symetrical core, not an assymetrical one.  The Ravage has a MB, the Inferno MAY have one but it would have such a small effect that it would be unnoticable to most of us.

Wanna review my balls
Title: Re: Inferno drill pattern?
Post by: Brickguy221 on July 30, 2004, 03:25:07 PM
Not all bowling balls have a MB, maybe in theory they do.  

Andrew is right. I'll back that statement up.

Retired and bowling on Fixed Income