I currently have 2 Infernos. One is drilled pin above bridge, cg kicked right just a bit, the other, drilled stacked leverage. The first one I've had alot of success with and really like the reaction I get, although lately its starting to have trouble finishing...the second...horrible case of over under, not a fan of the reaction either. I recently picked up a used X Factor and got it drilled pin over ring with the cg and RAD stacked underneath. It's extremely flippy and I really like this reaction, it stores energy for the backend quite well. I was wondering if a similar drilling on one of my Infernos would produce the same sort of reaction. Basically, I want to plug both of them, drill one pin above ring w/ cg stacked, the other pin below ring w/ cg stacked. Is this a good 1-2 punch? Any help is appreciated.