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Author Topic: Inferno is SOOOOOO confusing  (Read 4192 times)


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Inferno is SOOOOOO confusing
« on: January 18, 2004, 11:36:44 PM »
I wanted to try one of these after all the great reviews.  Finally bought one and I thought i would post my thoughts on that wretched creature, the  (lololol) Inferno.  This ball is not a Med/Heavy Oil as stated by Brunswick by any thoughts of imagination.  My Pulse drilled with the pin Nearly on axis outhooks it by boards as well as just about everything else I own.  

Is that Activator coverstock that weird or is is just me?  It reacts like Urethane to me.  And it does not recover, just ask Lonnie Waliczek.  Mild as can be.

I have changed the cover with polish/sand/matte and just about anything in between.  That ball is at best a med/dry ball.

Tell me where i am going wrong ball reviews experts

Mine is drilled 3 3/8 x 2 1/2 and it is not rolling out?  My Profile will tell you my stats




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Re: Inferno is SOOOOOO confusing
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2004, 03:05:26 PM »
Who drilled the ball for you. Did they check the static wieghts.3-3/8 x 2-1/2 is mild arcing layout exspecialy with the inferno, I have found these balls cores to be somewhat side heavy when kicking the cg out.You should have a good size wieght hole or deep wieght hole if you have a descent pin out postion or descent top wieght.Just my experience with them. The pulse has a early rolling drill for controle. I am just curious as to what may cause this. What other equipment did you compare it to.
Here to fix something I know nothing about..

Edited on 1/19/2004 4:03 PM


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Re: Inferno is SOOOOOO confusing
« Reply #2 on: January 19, 2004, 03:57:01 PM »
Well, mine reacts that way if I don't get it out to dry. If I pull it into the oil, it acts like a very mild urethane. But if I can get it out to the dry boards, look out. There's that famous back end and hard hit!
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Re: Inferno is SOOOOOO confusing
« Reply #3 on: January 19, 2004, 09:20:30 PM »
I didn't like mine until I sanded it to it is a MONSTER!

Mike Austin

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Re: Inferno is SOOOOOO confusing
« Reply #4 on: January 20, 2004, 12:56:10 AM »
Even though I am on Storm Staff, I drilled myself an Inferno a couple weeks ago, and this is one of the strongest balls I have thrown in quite a while.  Reminds me of the Trauma when it came out a few years ago.

I did find that the ball does burn up fairly quickly, and is meant to be used on oil.  As the lanes would break down, the ball got weaker, hit soft, flat tens.  I would move left off this reaction and holy s.... here it comes.  Although I have only thrown this ball about 30 games, it is awesome.

Tech Supp is correct, you probably had to use an extra hole with this layout.  If you had a decent top weight, you probably had to use a big, deep hole.  This layout, big, deep extra hole, and Brunswick balls in general roll early, this ball is probably burning up too fast, or you need more oil.  I don't agree though about the layout being weak.  Any layout with the pin at 3 3/8 from your PAP is pretty strong, this is an aggressive pin position, no matter what.

It is hard to tell, talking about this on the internet.  Watching is the best thing.  I love my Storm balls, waiting for the new XXX, but I have to say, the Inferno is a great ball.  (Front 10, Stone 8 pin last Weds in league, DAMN!!)

Mike Austin
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Re: Inferno is SOOOOOO confusing
« Reply #5 on: January 20, 2004, 01:16:21 AM »
I'm trying to figure out why you would take a high flaring and big midlane/backend rolling ball, then leverage the pin and use like a 15 degree layout on it.......that alone has set up the backend to either be EXTREMELY smooth like a pin axis layout, or hook-stop.  I think you chose a very poor layout for it personally, especially if you are comparable to Duke or Voss.  You should've gone for something more like a 4 to 4 1/2 inch pin and like a 45 or 75 degree layout. Just my 2 cents


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Re: Inferno is SOOOOOO confusing
« Reply #6 on: January 20, 2004, 07:53:47 AM »
Yes the 45 degree layout is a monster for me.

I dont know who said the layout was weak, I said mild arcing meaning it would burn up faster when encountering friction.It would be a smoother transition off the friction compared to a stacked layout.
Here to fix something I know nothing about..


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Re: Inferno is SOOOOOO confusing
« Reply #7 on: January 20, 2004, 08:10:32 AM »
Your thoughts are interesting.  But.....

Tech Support:  Yes the ball has a weight hole.  Compares to any one of these balls the Inferno is weaker. Savage 3 3/8 x 90d, Apex Adrenaline 4 x 70d,  Pulse 1 3/4 x 0, Savage Flip 4 1/2 x 45d, Sling Blade 1 3/4 x 0, Silver streak 4 1/2 x 70d etc etc etc etc if u get my drift.
An ABC hall of famer with numerous titles was using his this week on the same line and shot that i used my savage flip.

Mumzie: Yes it needs dry, Very dry to react so this my point  Brunswick states Med/Heavy oil.  They need to change that statement to say Med/Dry with stripped backends.

Mike Austin:  That explains it all.  I hated the Trauma as well.    Another medium/heavy oil "as stated by the mfg" DART

Bowlers Aid:  I drilled it 3 3/8 x 30 because i wanted a med/hvy oil ball for tournaments and ABC/Super Hoinkes and this ball is a DART on med/heavy oil.   I have drilled and used probably over 150 balls and this one is the most confusing I have ever thrown   I think the Activator cover is one that smoothes the transition out and perhaps i could of drilled it stronger but, as i said i needed/wanted reaction/roll for more oil this ball is as i said a DART.   I let my Proshop guy who is now drilling for ABC in Reno talk me out of a Blade Particle and into this ball.

Thanks all for your thoughts ..... i wanted to bounce my thinking of your assessments.



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Re: Inferno is SOOOOOO confusing
« Reply #8 on: January 20, 2004, 08:23:27 AM »
I love my inferno.  I have it drilled with the pin below the ring finger and it gets into a very early roll.  I used it in a scratch tournament on Sunday and shot 954(228, 234, 245, 247).  When the oil started to carry down, I moved my feet and my mark out 2 board right to ensure that I was hitting dry.  In the 3rd and 4th game when the heads started to fry, I picked up my speed about a mile and hour so it wouldn't grip so early.  I was crushing them.  It was working for me all day long.


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Re: Inferno is SOOOOOO confusing
« Reply #9 on: January 20, 2004, 08:26:43 AM »
One thing I can think of is that maybe your axis moved a little.Through the ball and take it to the shop and have them look at it and see if they can check the pap and see if it is still accurate.I have found that sometimes a bowlers axis has changed and with leverage layouts it can change the way a ball reacts.If I change my release a little it changes the roll of the ball alot when throwing 3-4 pin to pap.If not I dont know what else to tell you.I love my inferno and wish you luck with yours.
Here to fix something I know nothing about..


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Re: Inferno is SOOOOOO confusing
« Reply #10 on: January 20, 2004, 09:27:34 AM »
after reading this thread, all I know is that the Inferno is THE most over/under rated ball I've ever seen.  A TON of people LOVE it, and a TON hate it....wierd!
Hello, I just lowered my track !

Edited on 1/20/2004 10:29 AM


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Re: Inferno is SOOOOOO confusing
« Reply #11 on: January 20, 2004, 10:41:29 PM »
Yeah, what Jeff said is the same thing I've heard.  I also must apologize, I thought you had the Raging Inferno.  I'm still trying to figure out why your ProShop operator with that kind of experience talked you into an inferno over the blade particle, or why he didnt suggest the Raging which I have found to be a much better midlane ball when the heads are oily enough.  I can say with optimism though that the upcoming Ultimate Inferno would probably be a great addition to your arsenal....just dont let one bad matchup ruin your feelings about the line. Good luck.

Edited on 1/20/2004 11:39 PM


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Re: Inferno is SOOOOOO confusing
« Reply #12 on: January 21, 2004, 05:58:27 AM »
guy next to us shot a 794 last night with his !!!  Rips the cover off of it but wow!!
Hello, I just lowered my track !


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Re: Inferno is SOOOOOO confusing
« Reply #13 on: January 21, 2004, 10:08:51 AM »
The house I bowli in uses a pretty heavy oil pattern.(not sure which one) but the is plenty of oil to go around. I'm a lefty so the oils stays longer than the right side also. I stand on 13 and throw to 25 and it's all i can do to keep the ball from going brooklyn. When I first got it I had that same over/under you were talking about. I sanded the ball to 600, then polished it to 1000 with squeaky klean ball polish. It solved the over/under and turned it into a very smooth rolling pin smashing machine. I cant wait for the ultimate to come out!!!
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Re: Inferno is SOOOOOO confusing
« Reply #14 on: January 21, 2004, 10:43:59 AM »
Nod, I'll bet the ball has bottom weight or close to it. That is why it's not doing much on the backend. Find a way to put some top in the ball, either by plugging the weight hole and moving it, or redrilling the whole ball. You WILL see a difference. =:^D