Ok guys, i recieved my Ultimate Inferno last nite complements of Buddies. It came w/ a 2-3 inch pin and 3.2 oz of topweight i believe. As for the drilling, pin is below my ring finger maybe a tad left, cg kicked out and a weight hole below my PAP not sure on exact location but it's narrow and deep.
Threw this ball this morning in league. We actually had oil this morning inside, pretty decent, with really dry outsides, i'd say outside 4 or 5. This ball is STRONG with this drill. Did not appear to cover many boards but be warned it's STRONG. In a sense this ball is a strong control ball. Actually rolled sooner than my stacked leverage throttle but with a completely different look. This ball was TONS of midlane but still had pop left on the backend. Actually may have been too strong as a left a few 9 pins.
The thing that confused me about this ball was when it touched the dry. If i swung to the dry, the ball made a strong turn but leveled off, didn't keep coming and cross, just stopped and hit straight through the nose. Now, when i throw cross alley at my 6 and 10 pins (lefty, and yes i did leave a few solid tens and a bunch of 6's but stayed w/ the ball so i could get a feel for it) i generally throw pretty much straight up the outside and let the ball work off the dry, with this ball, that didn't work. The ball DID NOT turn enough. I ended up throwing another ball at these pins and that was the only way i could consistently make them.
But overall as of now i can't say anything really bad about the ball. It did throw pins around when it crushed the pocket and did leave the occasional 7 pin on bad shots. One thing i can say about this ball with this drilling though, is that the more you come off the side of the ball, the more you get from the ball. I can see this being a great ball from someone w/ more side roll as the core is strong enough to pick up it's roll even in the oil.
I'll update after i have some more games on the ball
When all else fails, become a lefty