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Author Topic: Inferno vs. Cherry Bomb - Anyone Thrown Both  (Read 2473 times)


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Inferno vs. Cherry Bomb - Anyone Thrown Both
« on: September 08, 2003, 04:37:04 AM »
Compare these two balls. Are they pretty close in reaction and hit? Would the Cherry Bomb overlap the Inferno or is it different enough to warrant owning both?



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Re: Inferno vs. Cherry Bomb - Anyone Thrown Both
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2003, 07:48:20 PM »
I currently have both balls. I got them both at the same time and will be selling the Inferno soon. Not that it is a bad ball, in fact it's a pretty good one. However, I think that the Cherry Bomb is a better ball, for me anyway. So the Inferno never gets to come out of my bag. Box condition, with similar drill (max leverage) they both go long and come back hard, the CB comes back harder and sharper. With this drill and box surface they are very much the same. I prefer the slightly harder angle of the CB. So, for me it was either alter the drill or surface of the Inferno or get a different ball. I bought the new Cranberry and once I receive it the Inferno goes on e-bay.


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Re: Inferno vs. Cherry Bomb - Anyone Thrown Both
« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2003, 08:10:20 PM »
I have two Inferno’s drilled that I love. First one is drilled pin touching right side of ring finger and CG stacked below (around 5-1/2 x 5-1/2) for me. Second one is drilled pin over bridge and CG under ring. This second one has the surface polished a little more than factory, and the first one is factory finish. I can play the second one just about anywhere. The first one is stronger and needs a bit more head oil, but both are excellent, hard-hitting balls. What I’ve read on the Cherry Bomb leads me to believe that it’s a higher-flaring, flippier ball than the Inferno? As much as it flares, and with a versatile coverstock, I’m thinking that you could make it either an earlier rolling hard-arcing ball or with a high pin make it a go-longer flip harder ball than the Inferno.
I wouldn’t want anything stronger than what I have in the Inferno’s. I’m trying to get something with the HIT of the Inferno, yet cleaner through the fronts when the shot gets flaky, but strong enough to fight through any carry-down. Do any of you with experience on these balls think the CB would fit that niche, or is it too strong?


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Re: Inferno vs. Cherry Bomb - Anyone Thrown Both
« Reply #3 on: September 08, 2003, 09:48:55 PM »
A lot of carrydown nullifies both the Inferno and the CB. Neither is meant for a lot of oil or carrydown. I think that you may be able to put a drill/surface on the Black Cherry Bomb that will be aggressive when the oil gets pushed down. I haven't used it yet but with it's cover it should handle carrydown better. The CB just doesn't handle a lot of carrydown in the heads.


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Re: Inferno vs. Cherry Bomb - Anyone Thrown Both
« Reply #4 on: September 09, 2003, 02:05:38 PM »
I still have both the Inferno and the Cherry Bomb and I personally don't think both bowling balls are similar.  The Inferno reads the middle lane better and has a strong arc but not flippy for me.  The Cherry Bomb is a skid flip ball.  The Cherry Bomb has very good length and turns the corner very hard.  I agree that the Cherry Bomb will not handle carry down very well but the Inferno with some sanding/scotch brite will handle carry down better.  I also agree that The Black Cherry Bomb handles carry down and oil better.  If I had to pick from one of these balls with medium oil I would go with the Black Cherry Bomb.  If I were to think about the Inferno and I was talking about medium to heavy oil with some back end, I might look at the raging Inferno.  But the one ball of them all that I didn't have any luck with was the Inferno.  But others have had tremendous luck with the Inferno so I am not saying a sub par ball, just to inconsistent for me.

Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)