I wish I could tell you, but I haven't hit a shot yet with enough oil to use my Raging Inferno effectively. I have 3 Infernos, 1 polished with pin over bridge and CG under ring finger, 1 polished with pin over ring and cg stacked under ring, and a dull one with pin over ring and cg stacked under ring. My Raging is drilled with the pin over the ring and CG in the center of the palm. It's burned up wherever I've tried to use it, so it's quite a bit stronger than the Inferno in my opinion. You wouldn't be able to throw a Raging on the same lane as the Inferno and expect the Raging to hook more. It doesn't work that way. In my experience, if the Inferno is working, the Raging Inferno is going to use up too much energy and not hook as much. However, if the lane is so oily that your Inferno isn't moving, then the Raging Inferno would hook more than the Inferno. The exception to the above would be if you were playing on a condition with a large differential between the wet and the dry. The Raging might give you a better line swinging it in the oil out to the drier portion and back to the pocket with less over/under than the regular Inferno.