From my own experience I can tell you the Smokin, Scorchin, and Absolute along with a spare ball have given me all the tools to handle anything from a THS to a sports league. In fact I could probably do without the Absolute if I really had to. But it fits in nicely between the two. I just got back into the sport last fall and decided to stick with one line of balls so that the reactions would be similar, yet give me enough versatility to handle different conditions.
Mine are not all drilled exactly alike, instead I drilled them to match up with thier strengths and purpose. On all three the pins are about 4 inches from my Pap (4 1/2,0, so drilled fairly strong. The Smokin has the pin the highest at around 1 oclock from the ring, the Absolutes pin is at 3 oclock from the ring, and the Scorchin is at 4 or 5 oclock from the ring finger. All the cgs are stacked or kicked out a little bit. These are all basic drillings right off the Brunswick drill sheet, 2 L for the Smokin and close to 1 E for the Scorchin. The Absolute I got used and just moved the thumb. The Smokin and Absolute are in oob condition, the Scorching I took down to 400 grit, to handle a little more oil in my summer sports league.
What I like about the Inferno line is that they rev up and get into a heavy continuous roll. Proshop guy told me that was because of the large sym cores. Im not sure about that, but I do like the reactions. All of the balls get through the heads with ease, and thats helpful for me as I dont throw the ball that hard, 15.5 -16 mph. They all also have a strong predictable arc to the pocket. The Smokin goes the longest, and ive been able to use it on anything from light oil and burnt lanes up to shorter heavy oil patterns, as long as there are dry back ends. The Absolute handles med-med heavy oil and works well when carry down causes the Smokin to start to skid too long. The Scorchin still gets through the heads nicely, but has the most movement in the mids with good movement on the back ends. Its my heavy oil ball, but I also find it works very well following the oil line on a THS if they put a wall in the middle. I may add in a Radical later, but I dont really have a need for it right now. I would mainly get one to try out a true skid/snap reaction, that the Smokin never really had. Im also trying out a Track ball with the pin over the bridge for drier lanes that I picked up used, but Ive only seen lanes too dry for the Smokin once, and still was able to make it work.
So imho, I think that line up could work well, however it would probably be better to have a different lay out on each ball. With only 3 or 4 balls I think expanding the differences between the reactions will allow you to be more flexible and handle a wider range of conditions.
Hope this help, good luck!