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Author Topic: Initial Thoughts on the Evil Siege (rather long-winded)  (Read 832 times)

Dennis Rhodes

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Initial Thoughts on the Evil Siege (rather long-winded)
« on: February 06, 2010, 07:15:49 AM »
I have had a chance to throw my Evil Siege twice so far (excluding practice).

House #1 is 30 years old wood with Gaurdian overlay.  The condition faced is a medium condition with a high amount of friction on the outside and clean back ends.  I had to play in, as i expected that I would.  Stood 30 and played 20 @ the arrows with a break at 13 (at the start).  The ball read the lane wonderfully, and I was able to chase the oil in as the track area blew up.  To explain the characteristics of the ball on the lane is difficult.  It reminded me of a couple of balls from the past (i.e.-a Storm Paradigm, and a LT-48 Gold).  The Evil Siege clears the heads easily, but it picks up in the mid-lane exceptionally well.  On the backend, I would say that it doesn''t exactly snap, and it doesn''t start early enough to create a standard arc reaction.  It is somewhere in between a snap and an arc, which leads to a very forgiving reaction that blends the over-under out.  With this being said, the ball was very forgiving if I missed outside (it still retained energy).  Before you say that all THS do this, at this house I generally don''t have a forgiving reaction if I miss outside due to the extreme friction (which is why I generally stick with pin down equipment).

House #2 is older AMF synthetics.  The shot was a late shift following a league that uses a lot of plastic (it is a mixed league).  The early shot starts off a little on the heavy side, so carry down is pretty extreme.  Pin down equipment wants to burn up, and not finish (due to carry down and loss of energy).  Early on, I started outside with a pin high Wild Card (great look with it in practice).  By the 3rd frame of the first game, it started checking early.  I put it away and grabbed the Evil Siege.  I was actually able to move inside a little bit (2 and 2 move) and due to the increased backend of the Evil Siege, there was still enough pop to finish strong.  Towards the end of the first game the track area started to blow up.  I made another move (7 and 7 parallel) and kept the ball tight.  Carry was definitely above average (which is usually not a strong suit of this house).  This ball helped me stay inside of transition and I didn''t have to make anymore extreme moves.

Overall, I have been greatly impressed with this new gem.  I have been so impressed with it, that, after more testing, I may order 2 more to drill differently and replace a couple of other balls in the arsenal.  I would recommend this ball to anyone looking for a ball that is versatile.  Heck, I have to say that it has been nice to have people ask what ball I am throwing for a multitude of reasons.  Some have liked the look (it is a sharp piece) and the reaction/carry that they have seen also.
Thanks for reading this post,
Dennis Rhodes
Brunswick Advisory Staff
Remember to accept my posts as my opinion, and not those of Bruswick.

Edited on 2/6/2010 11:24 PM