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Author Topic: Intense Drilling Suggestions  (Read 1124 times)


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Intense Drilling Suggestions
« on: August 15, 2004, 09:23:41 AM »
I have been a die hard Track/Columbia guy for quite a while now, but after watching bowler after bowler score with the Inferno line I broke down and ordered the intense inferno.  The condition I have the biggest problem with at the home house is dry heads and lots and lots of carry down.  Most equipment either hooks up early and hits dead or goes long and rolls out.

The best ball I have used on this shot believe it or not is and old Track Silencer that gets through the heads great and recovers wonderfully.  Anyway, looking for suggestions and I definitely plan on polishing this ball as any duller finish ball at my house does not work on the dry heads.

I throw about 17-18 MPH with above average rev rate, but not a cranker by any means.

Thanks in advance for the help.