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Author Topic: Intense review  (Read 2093 times)


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Intense review
« on: November 13, 2004, 10:49:28 AM »

This is pic so you can see the drill pattern.  It comes out to about a 5 by 3 1/2 for me.  The ball arrived Friday afternoon(thanks barry), so I took it in to get reslugged.  

I decided to leave the original at home today and take the Intense to my Tournament.  It is a two day tourney, two nine game blocks.  I used the Intense from start to finish today.  It was our house shot, typically carries down and it did today as well.  

I bowled pretty well.  The intense was very playable from outside and inside.  I played anywhere from 13 to 8, 15 to 10 and even 20 to 8 at the end.  I have seen quite a few people claim this ball hates carrydown.  I am not sure that statement is true for me.  With small adjustments with my feet, the carrydown wasn't a huge problem.

I thought the Intense was going to be flippier than my original but it really wasn't.  The reaction is archy and continuous.  This ones a keeper.

My scores were:218-184-233-232-194-203-207-236-211, opened once in the 194, and whiffed two 10's in the 184.




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Re: Intense review
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2004, 08:43:21 PM »
Your welcome Andrew i have no clue why i got rid of that ball but i needed room so i am glad it works good for you. After the sledgehammer that i sold you did not work too good i felt that i needed too make it up some too you.

The early roll drilling i think is why it so arch for you, i use this drill on about 85 percent of my balls or so. It is easy to read off the move as i can see from your numbers that you shot.

I can tell you Andrew that you will like the Punisher alot too since i used it last night for the first time and liked the roll right away. I actually used stacked leverage on the Punisher and took a 1000 abralon pad too it before i even rolled it once. It gets down the lane well turns through the carrydown and smoothly smashes the pins, i would rate this as a keeper for my scratch league already. I took the surface off the ball too kill some of the jumpiness from being highly polished and for me it worked wonders. Good luck with your ball and sell you used stuff off for that Punisher you willing be getting soon


Edited on 11/13/2004 9:45 PM


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Re: Intense review
« Reply #2 on: November 13, 2004, 08:54:22 PM »
Btw i just thought of something else if you just reslugged and liked the way the ball came off your hand you are using a 1 1/4 clt offset on your finger grips. I went to this about 6 months ago after that sledgehammer was drilled so your grips are slighty turned unless you changed them but even if you did your finger holes are still drilled to the 1 1/4 clt line. Not a huge thing but if you did not change the grips and like the feel i strongly suggest using this grip ball comes off thumb fast and you are also using 1/2 reverse in finger pitches too. I just though you should know this info maybe it works better for you like me or you will want to redrill but i know for me it gives me more hand and cleaner release-barry


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Re: Intense review
« Reply #3 on: November 13, 2004, 09:06:09 PM »
for me it gives me more hand and cleaner release-barry

I feel it gives me a cleaner release and less revs.  It seems to just flow off my hand instead of fall.  My hand doesn't feel like I bowled nine games.

BTW, I sent you a message!!!



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Re: Intense review
« Reply #4 on: November 14, 2004, 04:49:04 PM »
uh...on second thought, I can make this ball really flip when I want it to.  I used it all day again.  I shot 3905 for 18 games with this ball, I can't complain.  

I played from 15 to 5 with very good success in the middle games today.  Overall, I am very impressed with this ball.  I am not sure, I have ever thrown a more versatile ball.  It handles carrydown and dry fairly well, less responsive to the dry and decent carry with an end over end roll.  



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Re: Intense review
« Reply #5 on: November 15, 2004, 08:36:46 AM »
I have my ball drilled just like yours. I really like this ball. At first it seemed to be just like my inferno but it gives me just a tad bit more length than the inferno. I have shot some pretty good games with this ball. Im considering buying another one.