350-375 rpm
18-19 Mph
Inverted tracker
Wicked Siege Layout- Pin under the bridge, mass bias kicked 45 degrees to the right. With a lower hole to take out the thumb weight. This layout would be a 4 3/4 pap.
Lane condition- White Pattern, on an older Brunswick lane surface.
First thoughts. This ball as some serious mid-lane movement with the OOB surface. I attempted to play the normal track for this shot, which is 15-10, opening the shot up from there. All seemed to go well for practice and and the first few shots, but that didn't last long. I got about 3/4 of game out of the wicked before I had to put it away. Just not enough oil, or actually too much surface on the ball. Did manage to throw the ball against my favorite ball which is a similar drilled Acid. Very interesting that on this night, the Wicked seemed to have stronger roll, and more mid-lane. I need to play with the surface some more. Going to get the surfaces on all the balls, I am going to do a comparison on, the same.
Side note- In comparison to my similar drilled 2.5 which I ended up using the rest of the night. It had considerable less mid-lane movement, and much more length.
Next league night will be Evil Siege, 2.5, and the Wicked Siege. Going to really give them a run down, and have more for you guys. Thanks for taking time in reading this.
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