Normally, the international balls are going directly to Asia, and they have a fast (!) renewal rate. Getting the one you are looking for is hard. Best bet is to look at ebay or dig through proshop websites. You might find some leftovers when Pro shops ordered them and did not sell all of them at once.
Ordering one through a pro-shop is difficult, since the balls get replaced VERY fast in the Brusnwick assortment. You can give it a try, but there is not much hope.
My local pro shop guy regularly orders some international balls, but he does not get all of them. He had, for instance, the Danger Zone III and IV, both Explosion Zones, but did not get hands on the Smart Zones and the Bionic Zones. But he had the Red Alert LTD and now a contingent of the brand new Red Alert 300. What I heard is that there are 2 new Zones in the pipeline ("Majestic Zone"), but there are no specs available, nor technical data.
As far as I know these balls are all legal, since they are made for official tournaments. Could be that they are optimized for a spinner release, which is popular in Asia.
By the way: the Red Alert LTD is pretty much the same as the BVP Nemesis. It just has a different core, but even the technical specs are pretty equal. And the Red Alert 300 IS a Zone Classic in different guise. But they look cool...

DizzyFugu --- Reporting from Germany
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