How many of you would like to try out a fire quantum core, wrapped in the original activator cover? WOuldn't that be sweet? Bob7 and i think so, and we need 998 other orders to make it happen. Brunswick will remake any core with any cover for an order of 1000. We think this would be an awesome ball to try, but we have to place an order of 1000 balls, so it's obvious we'll need help. Ask people you bowl with if they'd be interested, i think this could be the best ball ever.
We were thinking of calling it the Backdraft.
EDIT: Bobmatt and i have come up with a second ball to compliment it, the Zenith. It will have the core of an ultimate inferno, but a solid pk18 coverstock. Specs right now are:
Fire quantum core- low rg, .032 differential (low)
Original activator pearl coverstock
Black, with bright green pearl
Ultimate inferno core- 2.513 RG, .05 differential
Solid Powerkoil 18 coverstock
Black and old hammer pink seems to be the choice
WE will make the backdraft first and if it works out, we'll make the zenith.
- Andy
Brunswick..........'Nuff said.
Edited on 1/26/2005 4:40 PM