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Author Topic: is the absolute that good????  (Read 6599 times)


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is the absolute that good????
« on: February 14, 2005, 02:56:12 AM »
i have to drill an arsenal with 3 balls
one to go long and then snap
one to maximun hook
one to go straight
changing the layout and the surface..would this be possible with 3 absolute or do u have another alternatives???
is the absolute the best bowling ball in the market right now???
i am wondering this because is very strange that all the pros that are free agents that could drill whatever they want they re drilling this ball and with a lot of succes



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Re: is the absolute that good????
« Reply #16 on: February 14, 2005, 02:59:17 PM »
You'd be better off going with 3 balls designed to fit each spot, rather than force one ball into each.
- Andy


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Re: is the absolute that good????
« Reply #17 on: February 14, 2005, 03:42:50 PM »
One could easily make a 3 ball arsenal with the Absolute, and I will disagree with ta_152 when it comes to how much oil this ball can handle. With an earlier rolling layout and x-hole, this ball bites and bites hard. "Rough buff" cuts through oil and carrydown, and ruled the week at the Mini.
Nick Smith ... A.K.A. Les Badderâ„¢
Brunswick -=- PBA 03-05
¡Viva la nación de Brunswick!
Nick Smith
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Re: is the absolute that good????
« Reply #18 on: February 14, 2005, 04:05:25 PM »
brunsrich so u tell me that the absolute can handle pretyy well the heavy oil and the skid snap shot...and what if i drill one 6 3/4 off pap to make it going  straight and just recover in the backend for the rg differential (0.050)wouldnt it fix the short oil although???


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Re: is the absolute that good????
« Reply #19 on: February 14, 2005, 11:38:58 PM »
I would agree that the Absolute Inferno has done a good job, but do not overlook look AMF's Maximum Velocity.  It also made three straight telecasts after it's release with two titles to its credit.  Both seem to be very good pieces of equipment.


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Re: is the absolute that good????
« Reply #20 on: February 15, 2005, 12:01:27 AM »
The Absolute is awesome. Had I not recently bought an Impulse Zone which I am happy with, I would buy the Absolute in a minute, but having the Impulse Zone I don't need both balls so I will stay with what I have.
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Re: is the absolute that good????
« Reply #21 on: February 15, 2005, 12:03:51 AM »
Frankly, I couldn't care much less about how a particular ball rolls on TV, or at the Mini.  I don't compete at that level, or those types of lane conditions, and I never will.  All I care about is how the ball will roll on house conditions and on the less-than-perfect surfaces that I see in my local tournaments.

I've watched a number of bowlers of varying styles throw the Absolute out here, and spoken with them about the experiences they've had with the Absolute as well as how it compares with their other equipment.  Almost to a man, they believe that, while the Absolute does fill a niche, the Impulse Zone is a better all-around ball because of its ability to handle a wider variety of lane conditions.
Trumpet's Rusty Rat, JH, WC, Can WC...1/3/1992-2/14/2005

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Re: is the absolute that good????
« Reply #22 on: February 15, 2005, 08:43:40 AM »
so the impulse is harder than the absolute??? could handle heavy oil better than the absolute???


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Re: is the absolute that good????
« Reply #23 on: February 15, 2005, 10:43:05 AM »
You must have spoken to fluffers, or your local conditions must be very slick.  From what I've seen (and used), the Impulse rolls earlier, revs harder, and hooks MUCH more overall than the Absolute.

No and no.  To be specific, I know three people who have thrown both the AI and the IZ.  I may have mentioned this in another post, but here goes again.  One is a classic tweener, one a power-tweener with above-average speed, and one a slow-hook stroker.  For them, it wasn't so much that the Impulse was earlier as that the Absolute was pushier in the midlane, and that the Absolute was far more abrupt off of the break than the Impulse.  Because of this, it was harder for them to read the transitions when using the Absolute.

That's not to say that, with different drillings and/or surface preps, these bowlers couldn't use the Absolute to greater effectiveness.  However, I have to call 'em the way I see 'em.  Now that the shops have the Absolute, I'm sure I'll have ample opportunity to watch both balls in action even more.
Trumpet's Rusty Rat, JH, WC, Can WC...1/3/1992-2/14/2005

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Re: is the absolute that good????
« Reply #24 on: February 20, 2005, 02:48:10 PM »
The following is simply a theory of someone who believes in studying the sport.
No offense is intended to anyone, and once again this is only the opinion of some 17 yr old kid. NOT a coach or otherwise qualified individual.

Everyone will have a different opinion on any piece of equipment(not just bowling balls)that they use based on two major factors:
1)How well or poorly it has worked for themselves.
2)How well or poorly they have seen it work for others.

This is supplemented by many minor factors that also help to form an opinion:
1a)How the equipment matches their style of play.
1b)How the conditions are set up relative to their style.
1c)Previous experiences with similar equipment.

2a)How another player's style matches their own.
2b)Other player(s)opinions on the same/similar equipment.

As well as probably a multitude reasons that I cannot define but somehow belive exist.

In my opinion a piece of equipment such as a bowling
ball would have to be a statistical masterpiece thatnever made an error in performance in it's time on the market in order to be considered the best piece of equipment in it's field.
ANYWAY... I love the AI based upon all of the above listed factors, however I have a low average (169) and only bowl in one league a week so I could be misleading anyone who reads this.
Hope this helps someone except me.
Ben W.
Recent addition to the Nation.


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Re: is the absolute that good????
« Reply #25 on: February 20, 2005, 04:45:49 PM »
guys i just goy my absolute...i can say that this ball with clean backend its a freaking monster hits like a mad truck..but when there is carrydown forget it ..u must put it in ur bag
those are the firsts considerations about it