I am bumping this only because I have a new question. (It's a long one!!!)
The UI I have is drilled to ROLL. (see above) I wanted to get a bit more length out of it, because it just rolled straight up EARLY, with no finish, on my dried up lanes(burnt heads and a good bit of carrydown), with my stroker/tweener revs!(Naturally). I had some polish put on, hoping to delay the strong roll that I had going till farther down the lane, to sort of glide through the burnt heads, and cut through the carrydown at the backend.
The thing is, it still rolls strong and early as heck, even with the polish! Almost no visible difference from the reaction I got with the box finish. I am aware that it may be "trying" harder, but I now believe that redrilling is the best way to go.
I am thinking about having it drilled exactly like my AI, but keeping the shinier surface that it has now, and seeing what that does for me.
On second thought... perhaps the best idea, since I love my AI for what it does, which is KILL PINS on med/med heavy, is to redrill with the same layout as the AI, and DULL it, so it can be used for what it is designed for(heavy). I should probably look into a particle pearl to deal with my dry head/carrydown issue, and use the Ultimate for Heavy(What it's supposed to be used for!).
SO.... after all that.... what do you guys think I should do with the UI?
Keep in mind, I am dealing with dry heads and a good bit of carrydown, that I am trying to combat.
Option 1)Redrill, with the same layout as the AI with the shiny surface it has now.(Shinier than my Box AI)
Option 2)Dull to Box finish (800 Wet Sand), and redrill with the same layout as the AI.(Use it for heavy like it was designed for.)
If you suggest #2, What would work for the dry/carrydown problem? Impulse Zone? Something else?
Option 3) Anything I have not listed that might work.
Here is a picture of the layout of my AI. Sorry about the crappy picture quality! And I know the CG don't matter, lol , but it is located about 1/3 of the way between the pin and the top of the thumbhole. (1" pin, SHORT!)
http://www.we-todd-did-racing.com/wetoddimage.wtdr/wODE2NDM1NnM0MTNkZmQzMXk1NDE%3D.jpgTHANKS EVERYONE!!!!!

VIVA LA NACION!!!Edited on 4/12/2005 9:54 PM