wow.... i can only start off by saying wow due to teh fact that this ball is just amazing... it has such great read and had the classic clean through the heads read of the inferno line... and honestly just does not stop hooking...
Bowled on a THS tonight and was testing it out for my first time and had it drilled earlier at The Bowlers Pit Stop by none other than the Brunswick Guru himself, Nick Smith (BrunsNick), and we drilled it with the pin under the middle finger, with the CG at a 45 degree angle out with a weight hole at the same degree which was about 4 - 5 inches out from my thumb... i left it box finish to see how it would work and honestly do not want to polish it yet after i saw the performance of the ball
ball speed: average 17 - 18.5 mph at 45 feet
Rev Rate: 470+
style: cranker
avg: 225+
300's: 22
800's: 13
now honestly, i expected the ball to be good... but not this good
i started standing around 30, sliding 35, hitting the 25 board and getting it out to about the 7-8 board and the ball would scream back to the pocket... it just never stopped truckin...
compared to my original inferno i moved about 5 boards right, hitting the same target but only getting to about the 12 board and was crushing...
compared to my strike zone which is a pin above the ring drilling with the mass bias about 3 inches from my thumb, to even attempt to get the strike zone to have a mock reaction of the Scorchin just wasnt happenin... i stood in teh same spot and lowered my ball speed and kept it tighter getting it to about the 12 board and having success with the Strike Zone... the Scorchin' is definitely Versatile due to the aggressive Solid coverstock and High RG low Diff. Core creates for a killer combination
I'm already having thought of getting another and putting a 5 x 5 layout on it and polishing it up a bit... that will be soon to come, and any fan of Brunswick should have at least one Scorchin' in their bag
i will be doing a comparison to the ultimate soon but just based on prior action with the ultimate, the Scorchin has a ton of energy throughout its roll, and has plenty saved for the move on the back... the ultimate has a strong midlane roll as compared the the Scorchin' and does not hae the continuous punch that the Scorchin' contains...
Brunswick is the only way to go....
The Scorchin' makes the Big One look like the Small One :-D
"2 Hours Sleep + A Couple Beers = Good Bowling"