After shooting 731 today during High/Low week, the final week of the season, I scoured the racks before walking out for the season and found a small gem of a parting gift for myself.
Sapphire Zone Pearl
currently very tracked in, and a 5" Pin to PAP layout over the fingers.
I will get it plugged and resurfaced, probably run me $40 just for that, plus another $40 to get it drilled, I think it will be $80 well spent.
I'm considering a layout, and would like some feedback.
Right now im considering 4 1/2" Pin to PAP under the bridge like my
Combat Zone TracerI'd like to use this ball as a dryer lane ball, probably to bring with me open bowling, or for 2nd shift shots, decent length from the cover, and a good read from the layout.
Essentially a Power Groove on steriods.
Anyone have experience with this ball?
Edited on 4/19/2007 0:07 AM