I will agree to some degree, and I was basically a casuality of the move to Mexico, it was necessary to keep Brunswick in the bowling ball business.
Also, what Greg was saying about everything else that we buy that isn't American is sad but true.
Here is something that I would say when I would get the "I only buy from American companies."
What is the highest percentage American made car today...................the Honda Accord. The Accord is well over 90% American made & assembled. Conversly, the Ford Taurus is approx. 60% American made & Assembled.
So then some people will come back and say, "Well, I only support American based companies." Brunswicks headquarters is still in Lake Forest, IL. And the Bowling Headquarters is still in Muskegon, MI.
That would usually shut most people up.
While I certainly wasn't in favor of the move to Mexico, I understand why the move was made.
Greg in also correct about plastic balls. The only American made plastic ball is the Eboniite Maxim..........for now. And, Storm, Ebonite & Track were the FIRST companies to have balls made outside the U.S.A. Remember the Optx/Skull balls from Ebonite?!?! The Sports balls from Storm. The Boxing Glove from Track. All of these balls were made in Asia. How many of you had one or more of these?
As I stated above, with all the issues that was associated with the start up of the new plant, I was downsized out of Brunswick in 2007. But, I still have many good friends left at Brunswick and I want them to succeed.
In addition, if Brunswick were to get out of the bowling ball business, how many more Americans would lose their job?
So while the move to Mexico cost over 100 people their jobs, if Brunswick didn't move, add at least another 100 lost jobs to that total.
Something to think about..............
Okay, off my soapbox for now.

Larry Verble