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Author Topic: Just an observation  (Read 7596 times)


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Just an observation
« on: February 06, 2009, 01:38:07 PM »
Go into any of the other forums on this site and ask questions about ball, layout or coverstock prep, and you get answers or opinions regardless of how stupid or meanless the question seems to be.(to anyone except the one asking the question). In this forum you get very few replies except from those who really want to promote Brunswick equipment. It seems most chatter comes between those who already thrown the stuff and their buddies. I know Brunswick can not be the most popluar stuff. But as an example, the pro shop I do business with did not carry much Brunswick stuff. After reading on this site about the Ultimate Inferno(original), I ordered one an took it to leauge. Within the next 4 weeks their must have been 10 - 15 of them out their. This pro shop now carries at least 3-4 brunswick ball at all times. So lets promte the stuff to who ever  ask now matter how lame we think it is. RANT OFF!
"I don''t want to be remembered, I want to be forgotten"



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Re: Just an observation
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2009, 12:32:14 AM »
my pro shop (austin, tx)only carries brunswick, columbia, storm, ebonite, and hammer, i useally by bunswick from him and the other brand i ues(lane #1) online.


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Re: Just an observation
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2009, 07:50:07 AM »
A lot of people had issues with Brunswick moving production to Mexico. There are still people that will not use Brunswick equipment and some shops that don't want to carry it. From my use Brunswick matches up really well for me. From watching other league members last year that used Brunswick  they all had the best reactions with Brunswick equipment.


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Re: Just an observation
« Reply #3 on: February 07, 2009, 09:18:35 AM »
the people who are upset that brunswick moved production facilities need to get a realistic grip. it's over and done....there is no going back....and what's more these people need to take a long hard look at themselves. are they aware that the majority of the plastic balls from the ebonite group( ebonite/hammer/track/columbia) are made in china ?  are they aware that the plastic balls from storm are made in china ?  are they willing to admit that almost all bowling bags and shoes are made overseas ? this trend doesn't just pertain to the bowling world. every time i bowl league i see bowlers glued to their cellphones......cellphones that are not made in this country. their big screen tv's and blue-ray players weren't made here either. these same people who condemn brunswick are nothing but hypocrites.


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Re: Just an observation
« Reply #4 on: February 07, 2009, 11:44:23 PM »
I agree with who cares were there made as long as they perform. But funny thing brunswick must be ashamed seeing that all ball up till the move had Made in USA engraved on ball now they have a sticker that says made in MExico . So go figure

the people who are upset that brunswick moved production facilities need to get a realistic grip. it's over and done....there is no going back....and what's more these people need to take a long hard look at themselves. are they aware that the majority of the plastic balls from the ebonite group( ebonite/hammer/track/columbia) are made in china ?  are they aware that the plastic balls from storm are made in china ?  are they willing to admit that almost all bowling bags and shoes are made overseas ? this trend doesn't just pertain to the bowling world. every time i bowl league i see bowlers glued to their cellphones......cellphones that are not made in this country. their big screen tv's and blue-ray players weren't made here either. these same people who condemn brunswick are nothing but hypocrites.


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Re: Just an observation
« Reply #5 on: February 08, 2009, 06:03:25 AM »

I will agree to some degree, and I was basically a casuality of the move to Mexico, it was necessary to keep Brunswick in the bowling ball business.

Also, what Greg was saying about everything else that we buy that isn't American is sad but true.

Here is something that I would say when I would get the "I only buy from American companies."

What is the highest percentage American made car today...................the Honda Accord. The Accord is well over 90% American made & assembled. Conversly, the Ford Taurus is approx. 60% American made & Assembled.

So then some people will come back and say, "Well, I only support American based companies." Brunswicks headquarters is still in Lake Forest, IL. And the Bowling Headquarters is still in Muskegon, MI.

That would usually shut most people up.

While I certainly wasn't in favor of the move to Mexico, I understand why the move was made.

Greg in also correct about plastic balls. The only American made plastic ball is the Eboniite Maxim..........for now. And, Storm, Ebonite & Track were the FIRST companies to have balls made outside the U.S.A. Remember the Optx/Skull balls from Ebonite?!?! The Sports balls from Storm. The Boxing Glove from Track. All of these balls were made in Asia. How many of you had one or more of these?

As I stated above, with all the issues that was associated with the start up of the new plant, I was downsized out of Brunswick in 2007. But, I still have many good friends left at Brunswick and I want them to succeed.

In addition, if Brunswick were to get out of the bowling ball business, how many more Americans would lose their job?

So while the move to Mexico cost over 100 people their jobs, if Brunswick didn't move, add at least another 100 lost jobs to that total.

Something to think about..............

Okay, off my soapbox for now.

Larry Verble


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Re: Just an observation
« Reply #6 on: February 08, 2009, 07:37:13 AM »
larry, as a former employee of brunswick i applaud you for coming to the forum and explaining several of these issues in further detail. the only downside is that there will still be people who have read the bitter truths you and i have posted and they will continue to believe "their" truth.

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Re: Just an observation
« Reply #7 on: February 08, 2009, 10:43:21 AM »
Verbs and Greg,

Nice points, and ones to be remembered...

Lane Carter, Strike Zone Pro Shops - Salt Lake City, Utah
Brunswick Pro Shop Staff


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Re: Just an observation
« Reply #8 on: February 08, 2009, 02:05:10 PM »
case in point....somewhat related.....a guy bowling near us last night commented on my wristwatch....."hey, that's a good looking watch ! ". i thanked him for the compliment and he asked, "what kind is it ?". i told him it was a wenger...the same people who make the authentic swiss army knives. he said was it expensive...i told him moderately so....retail list price $500 but i got it for $199. he said,"wow that's expensive...where are they made ?". i told him switzerland....that's where wenger is located and that most high end watches and other timepieces are made in switzerland. after that he didn't want to know because it wasn't made in this country. never mind that this is a very high quality item that will outlast my lifetime and then some.


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Re: Just an observation
« Reply #9 on: February 08, 2009, 02:50:43 PM »
With the way the American economy is today and the way the future looks for America, I for one will continue to purchase American made products when and where possible considering the quality is there. I can understand what you are saying Verbs about brunswick moving to Mexico but the fact is the more Americans out of work the more of a burden on the rest of America to keep the country running so to say. Think about what happens to the country and your own communities if unemployment gets much worse than it already is. Probably not what the brunswick faithful wants to hear but that is the way I see it, and I'm ready for the onslaught coming my way.
102101? Hmmmm


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Re: Just an observation
« Reply #10 on: February 08, 2009, 06:03:45 PM »

I respect your opinion, but let me reinterate if Brunswick didn't move bowling ball production to Mexico, then it was most likely that Brunswick would have gotten out of the bowling ball business.

Larry Verble


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Re: Just an observation
« Reply #11 on: February 08, 2009, 07:23:27 PM »
102101, i too see what you're saying but on the other hand am i required to buy an inferior watch just because it's made in this country ? i'm sorry, that is illogical. i will continue to buy the very best as my salary will allow.


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Re: Just an observation
« Reply #12 on: February 08, 2009, 10:33:28 PM »
greg did you tell the guy who didnt like the watch were his shoes and clothes were form and maybe where most of everything he owns is from i bet he would know, oh he might then he would look like a jackass


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Re: Just an observation
« Reply #13 on: February 09, 2009, 04:51:08 AM »
sluggo35, i hear what you're saying. no matter how in depth you explain something to some people they'll find a way to justify "their cause". they'll go into enormous detail about how they have to buy a certain item because it's american made and yet other items they own or are buying soon don't have to be. the whole situation is ridiculous.


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Re: Just an observation
« Reply #14 on: February 09, 2009, 06:13:38 AM »
102101, i too see what you're saying but on the other hand am i required to buy an inferior watch just because it's made in this country ? i'm sorry, that is illogical. i will continue to buy the very best as my salary will allow.

Greg please re-read my posting "I for one will continue to purchase American made products when and where possible considering the quality is there". A good watch is a necessity you wouldn't want to be late for bowling.    Besides there are some great bowling balls that are made by companies still in the U.S.A.
102101? Hmmmm