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Author Topic: Just bought an Inferno  (Read 3554 times)


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Just bought an Inferno
« on: November 05, 2003, 06:18:28 AM »
Just got an ball in 2 years.  I bowled only 3 games with it so far and definitely not used to it yet.  No matter where I stood or where I threw it the ball either cut through the head pin or went jersey.  Ball has a wicked snap back that I haven't been able to control yet.  The ball was practically in the gutter several times and still went jersey.  Hopefully after about my 10th game I'll find the damn pocket and keep it consistent.  If anyone sees a problem here and thinks it won't be fixable please let me know.



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Re: Just bought an Inferno
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2003, 10:23:23 PM »
Where are you standing? The Inferno is a very strong ball (as you are finding out). You will not be able to line up on most house shots just throwing it up the second arrow. Move left and swing it out - if you haven't already tried. It's also possible that your center doesn't use enough oil to allow you to throw a ball that strong. I hardly ever use my Inferno at my home center because the oil pattern isn't heavy enough. It is useful most other places though. Now you know why many bowlers carry an 'arsenal' of equipment.


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Re: Just bought an Inferno
« Reply #2 on: November 05, 2003, 10:32:08 PM »
Outlaw (?)

and you bought the Inferno on whose advice?

if your own, you did not do your research very well.
If your pro shop, then do not ever go there again.
If your friend, he is either not such a good friend or a bowling uneducated.

Stand deeper or alter your hand position or sell it and buy a more appropriate ball for your lane condition & your release.

I apologize for the bluntness of the answer (it is late and I am tired.), but the advice is sound.
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Re: Just bought an Inferno
« Reply #3 on: November 05, 2003, 10:34:04 PM »
Pro shops advice.  I asked him what is similar to the sledgehammer I have and what would be good for that house since I bowl there 90% of the time.  He suggested this ball.


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Re: Just bought an Inferno
« Reply #4 on: November 05, 2003, 10:50:21 PM »
I own a Sledgehammer and an Inferno with very similar layouts (pin over the bridge). I can tell you from experience that the Inferno is much much stronger than the Sledgehammer. It's hard to give advice via computer to someone I've never seen bowl or have no idea what conditions you're bowling on, but move farther left and swing the ball out a little more. It sounds like you might be playing too far to the right if you're bowling on a typical 'house shot' with oil in the middle and drier areas to the outside.

Edited on 11/5/2003 11:59 PM


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Re: Just bought an Inferno
« Reply #5 on: November 06, 2003, 12:15:10 AM »
Well I am a lefty so I have to move all the way to the right and I did.  I stand pretty much next to the ball return and hit the 3rd arrow (on the left) and it goes to the gutter and still goes jersey.  When I throw it out further it comes in too light barely hitting the headpin.  So I am gonna have to try something.  I throw the ball hard too.  If you ever see Jason Couch bowl that is my style.  I'll need a lot more practice to perfect the ball.  I'm sure it can be done and once it is it'll pay off.  Any more suggestions please let me know thanx.


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Re: Just bought an Inferno
« Reply #6 on: November 06, 2003, 12:50:44 AM »
Wet sand it to 1500 or 2000. This will calm the ball by starting to hook a wee bit earlier and thus take the snap out of it. The ball will still hit just as hard and the carry will still be very good, but with out the late hard snap. Also, the ball will look like it has a light coat of polish, even though it won't have any. I believe it was Greg Hoope that had a problem with his and this is what he did. When I had mine, he advised me of this, and it worked for me too. He wet sanded his to 2000 and I did mine at 1500.
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Re: Just bought an Inferno
« Reply #7 on: November 06, 2003, 01:56:16 AM »
Sounds to me like the ball is just too strong for your oil pattern. Maybe you should just clean up and rejuvenate your Sledgehammer and keep using it in that bowling alley, and save your Inferno for oilier conditions. No sense in trying to turn it into a dry lanes ball. One of my Infernos is drilled very tame (pin over bridge and CG stacked under bridge), and is highly polished, and it is still too strong for the conditions I see in many centers. And - I'm not a cranker, just somewhere between a stroker and tweener.


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Re: Just bought an Inferno
« Reply #8 on: November 06, 2003, 08:16:46 AM »
You could always heve your pro shop drill you a counter hole to tame the ball some. If those are the lanes you always bowl then I would do whatever it takes get the ball working there. Once you get the hang of it, you will love results.

I'm also a lefty pretty good speed and med. revs. My inferno has the counter weight hole in it, and still hooks beautifully.
You can always hit em hard when you've got the balls



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Re: Just bought an Inferno
« Reply #9 on: November 06, 2003, 11:54:22 AM »
Well I have the 2nd biggest hook on my league with the 5th highest avg. of 30 4 man teams.  Everyone I see throws a pretty straight ball with no major hooks.  With my sledge I'd stand in the middle and throw it straight over the 2nd arrow and it went right to the pocket.  With this ball I have to stand extreme right and throw it way out and still cuts through the headpin leaving the 2-4-7 constantly.