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Author Topic: Lane 1 Cherry Bomb-Inferno Original  (Read 1684 times)


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Lane 1 Cherry Bomb-Inferno Original
« on: September 07, 2003, 10:19:43 AM »
I have the Lane one Cherry bomb and it drilled 4x4. the ball flares alot but it doesn't have any length what so ever. it rolls/hooks at my feet. i was dumb enough not to believe the stories about the ball hooking so much and i realize now i drilled the ball way too strong. it doesn't finished extremely hard as first hoped. I have polished and then dulled and then re polished this ball maybe 3 or 4 times and i can't get a strong long backend reaction from this ball. it's all early mid lane roll and then set on the backend. I'm looking at either a weight hole to make it negative side weight or a complete plug and redrill of this ball to a weaker layout. right now the ball has about 7/8 positive side weight i was extremely careful on how far i put the cg out because i wanted to avoid putting a weight hole( would hurt it's trade/resale value)

I follow brunswick actively and have read on here numerous times that people have had to sand and then repolish there infernos to get a better reaction from there ball. when i did sand the ball i only used a green scotchbrite pad. and i read that one person went down to 320 and then used 600 polish on an inferno.
and if some are now asking why is he talking about a lane one cherry bomb and inferno, it's because i'm almost certain they used the activator coverstock on this ball maybe modified but i'm fairly certain it's not a version of powerkoil 18 or any aggressive reactive they had in the past.

thanks for the help and reads. tim
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Timothy @Juniors Pro-Shops
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Re: Lane 1 Cherry Bomb-Inferno Original
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2003, 08:29:11 AM »
When these balls first came out, people said the CB was definitely not the Activator coverstock. I believe that anohter person said that Lane#1 themselves confirmed this.

If the CB is too much, then the Inferno will probably be too much. 4x4 is a nice drilling, fairly strong but not an especially early rolling drilling. After all the CB is a pearl. I think you just bought the wrong ball, it seem far to strong for the oil pattern you are facing.

From all you say, I would have to believe you need a milder ball, like an Emerald or a Power Groove for your oil pattern.

YOu can of course, try re-drilling the CB with the pin above the bridge to get more length, but remember the cover stock rules the reaction. Such a re-drillign will not make the ball milder; it will delay the reaction. To rduce the reaction you might have to put the pin at least 5" away from your PAP, maybe 6". But that would almost defeat the purpose of this ball. Why not save it for the oil pattern on which you can use it and get a cheaper, milder ball for the oil pattern (and amount) you are now facing?
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