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Author Topic: League Lane Conditions  (Read 12736 times)


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League Lane Conditions
« on: December 04, 2007, 12:17:12 PM »
Got a question that has probably come up before, but I'm asking anyway.  Take that, forum society.

How honestly fair is it to expect a fresh shot for a men's league?  I'm just wondering because it seems pretty fair to me, especially when the other 14/16 teams get a fresh shot.  I don't expect to pay $15 a week and bowl on a pair that has been used by a bunch of kids using plastic balls and house balls after the lanes had been ran.

Anyone else know what I mean?  I don't want to hear about "good bowlers can adjust" and "it's not like you were the only one who had to bowl on it."  I shot 481 and was third high on the pair.  Our 212 ave. shot 522 and one of their bowlers had 497 (granted he only averaged 177.)  I wasn't even close on the high game pot and didn't go anywhere on brackets, which is what I really rely on every week for spending money.

Not trying to whine about this, but I really don't see this being too fair.  What do you think?
go find a jesus forum if you wanna complain about right and wrong. shove your religious beliefs up your keister and i hereby revoke your man card.
Tee hee!



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Re: League Lane Conditions
« Reply #31 on: December 05, 2007, 03:13:20 PM »
I submit to you that the original post wouldn't even have been submitted if he had won the pot and got his weekly walking around money.

Again, it's about the money right?  WRONG.

I cannot believe that any bowler that would post on this forum is not good enough to make adjustments and compete.

So any bowler who expects the same fresh shot that the other bowlers are getting are the problems.  I guess the majority of the bowlers on here who seem to be opposing your ideas are "not good enough to make adjustments and compete."  Yeah, I totally see that.  Not.
go find a jesus forum if you wanna complain about right and wrong. shove your religious beliefs up your keister and i hereby revoke your man card.
Tee hee!


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Re: League Lane Conditions
« Reply #32 on: December 05, 2007, 03:21:43 PM »

WTF?  Did they just oil the backends or something?

Lane machine is a dinosaur.. breaks down about once a month...  and the mechanic is constantly "tweaking" the shot for some reason... that night, anything outside of 7 went dead straight or faded (even my Awesome revs at 1000 grit abralon went dead straight).  Inside of 7 seeming hooked as soon as it touched the lane.  I ended up playing inside.. 5th arrow ish and had an ok shot... but no carry.


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- Emmitt Smith 11/18/07
-Not only is he a poor commentator, but he fails to show basic knowledge of the English language- fire him!

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Re: League Lane Conditions
« Reply #33 on: December 05, 2007, 03:44:04 PM »
I am one who bowls on a 2nd shift league, as well as one "fresh shot" league.

The 2nd shift league poses some special challenges depending on who you follow and what equipment and where they were throwing it, etc.  Some nights are easy and the lanes open up, while others are "headaches waiting to happen". It goes with the territory. However, I can show up a 1/2 hour early and see who was bowling on my pair and have SOME warning.

If your league is 1st on the shot it would be normal to assume that everyone has the same condition, right?  Therein lies the problem.  Houses should, again, take precaution that league shots are as playable as possible for everyone.



Lane Carter, Strike Zone Pro Shops - Salt Lake City, Utah


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Re: League Lane Conditions
« Reply #34 on: December 05, 2007, 06:14:36 PM »
imagine coming in to league watching the lane man run the machine and having your ball make a left turn at your feet week in and week out.I ended up having to polish a lighter ball at 4000 just to compete.On a "fresh "shot.
my style, the art of bowling without bowling


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Re: League Lane Conditions
« Reply #35 on: December 05, 2007, 07:33:19 PM »
All I can figure out for sure is I'd like to bowl in your league if it takes so little to throw you off your game.  Admit it, you think about how "unfair" it is too you every shot, don't you?  Easy pickings.  I could retire off you.  You think about everything but the shot at hand.  You probably wait two lanes on each side to clear out so you're not distracted.  You ever bowl on a second shift league?  Try that.  You'd probably quit bowling.  Once again, tell us all how you would refuse to take over first place in your league if you bowled on the "fair pair" and took all seven points and the first place tema bowled on the "unfair" lanes and lost them all.  Give me a break!  Could be time to revoke that man card of YOURS!

No, actually, I don't.  This is the first time I've ever thought about anything being unfair.  And the fact of the matter is, I deemed it unfair because they knew it wasn't fresh, but yet they said nothing.

Yes I have bowled a 2nd shift league. 2nd shift leage on old wood, thank you.  Didn't have too much of a problem, either.  Some good nights, some bad nights.  Hope that filled your pipe.

Keep talking trash, it'll be ignored from now on.  Take your "I'm better than you are" attitude, stick it where the sun don't shine, and give it a few turns for everyone on here who is sick of looking at the trash that you can't help but to put forth to us.

You lose.  Good day, sir!  /ignore
go find a jesus forum if you wanna complain about right and wrong. shove your religious beliefs up your keister and i hereby revoke your man card.
Tee hee!

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Re: League Lane Conditions
« Reply #36 on: December 05, 2007, 08:02:40 PM »
i agree to disagree with both sides of this debate here.  im a bowler but im also in the bowling business.  as a bowler i want to have a "fresh shot" like the rest of the league, especially when its usually a carry fest and spares are opens, on a house shot anyway.  but in our league contracts it says nothing about fresh oil conditions, breakdown pairs, etc.  our first priority is customer service and retention.  lets say that my center has 22 of 24 lanes running for league play, why should we keep the last two open for a "breakdown pair" and not let anyone else enjoy the game, hey maybe those open bowlers will get hooked and join your league.  does it say in the league contract that nobody can come into all of your centers after 5:30 for the league at 6?  thats ridiculous in my opinion.  finally at the beginning of this post someone had mentioned that league bowling is so much more dominant than open play...think again at that statement, just look at the numbers all over the nation percentage wise...just my personal thoughts from both angles of the spectrum..


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Re: League Lane Conditions
« Reply #37 on: December 05, 2007, 08:21:47 PM »
Dbowler35 .. your comments gave me a good laugh .. thanks .. you are SO right!
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      J O E - F A L C O
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Re: League Lane Conditions
« Reply #38 on: December 05, 2007, 08:34:06 PM »
Another thing the 15 dollars that you pay, only 9 or 10 of it goes into lineage.  We just put 4 kids and 1 adult on your lane, hit them for 4 dollars a pair for shoes and 4 dollars a per person a game.  They bowl two games and we just hit them for 50 bucks.  Sorry to the people who got stuck on your pair, but like a said, we are a business.

You strike me as the type that doesn't give your league bowlers a break either - I used to bowl at a house exactly like that - They could care less about league bowlers.

I'd suggest a *little* goodwill toward your league bowlers.

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Re: League Lane Conditions
« Reply #39 on: December 05, 2007, 09:53:04 PM »
All I can figure out for sure is I'd like to bowl in your league if it takes so little to throw you off your game.  Admit it, you think about how "unfair" it is too you every shot, don't you?  Easy pickings.  I could retire off you.  You think about everything but the shot at hand.  You probably wait two lanes on each side to clear out so you're not distracted.  You ever bowl on a second shift league?  Try that.  You'd probably quit bowling. Once again, tell us all how you would refuse to take over first place in your league if you bowled on the "fair pair" and took all seven points and the first place tema bowled on the "unfair" lanes and lost them all.  Give me a break!  Could be time to revoke that man card of YOURS!

Whats bowling on a second shift league have anything to do with the shot being fresh for everyone on the 1st shift league. When you sign up for a second shift league you know you are coming into a situation were the shot could be bad. As for winning points and saying if you would take them or not you don't bowl against another team on a different pair, you bowl the team on your pair, so the shot is fair because both teams have to bowl on it. What becomes unfair is when you are competing against other bowlers in brackets and pots and they get a fresh shot and you get the wasted shot.
Jason Smith
ABC North Lanes Pro Shop
Harrisburg, PA
VISE--The Choice of Champions


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Re: League Lane Conditions
« Reply #40 on: December 05, 2007, 10:03:42 PM »
i agree to disagree with both sides of this debate here.  im a bowler but im also in the bowling business.  as a bowler i want to have a "fresh shot" like the rest of the league, especially when its usually a carry fest and spares are opens, on a house shot anyway.  but in our league contracts it says nothing about fresh oil conditions, breakdown pairs, etc.  our first priority is customer service and retention.  lets say that my center has 22 of 24 lanes running for league play, why should we keep the last two open for a "breakdown pair" and not let anyone else enjoy the game, hey maybe those open bowlers will get hooked and join your league.  does it say in the league contract that nobody can come into all of your centers after 5:30 for the league at 6?  thats ridiculous in my opinion.  finally at the beginning of this post someone had mentioned that league bowling is so much more dominant than open play...think again at that statement, just look at the numbers all over the nation percentage wise...just my personal thoughts from both angles of the spectrum..

Management at my home house stops all open play at 5-5:15 so the lanes can be done and ready for league play. Once the shot has been put down for league there is no open play until league pay is completed. I also never said that league play is more dominant than open play all I said was that the recreational bowler may only come in 2-3 times per year were your league bowler is there every week, maybe several days. In my opinion its worth turning away a few open bowlers to keep your league bowlers happy. If the people truly want to bowl they'll come back when open play is allowed.
Jason Smith
VISE--The Choice of Champions


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Re: League Lane Conditions
« Reply #41 on: December 05, 2007, 10:29:05 PM »
Whats bowling on a second shift league have anything to do with the shot being fresh for everyone on the 1st shift league. When you sign up for a second shift league you know you are coming into a situation were the shot could be bad. As for winning points and saying if you would take them or not you don't bowl against another team on a different pair, you bowl the team on your pair, so the shot is fair because both teams have to bowl on it. What becomes unfair is when you are competing against other bowlers in brackets and pots and they get a fresh shot and you get the wasted shot.

It has nothing to do with it.  He just wants to use anything he can to put me down for some reason.  Not really sure what I did to him, though.
go find a jesus forum if you wanna complain about right and wrong. shove your religious beliefs up your keister and i hereby revoke your man card.
Tee hee!


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Re: League Lane Conditions
« Reply #42 on: December 05, 2007, 11:00:16 PM »
Our center has signs on the door saying what nights they have league and when there is open bowling. We ALWAYS have a fresh shot. It's nice to have that luxury. We also only have 20 lanes and open bowling at 6 usually isn't a big deal. It's later on that night when open bowling actually makes most of its money. At least I think so, I don't see how they could make money with no one bowling during the day.

Click my link and tell me what you think. Please.


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Re: League Lane Conditions
« Reply #43 on: December 06, 2007, 07:32:10 AM »
Amazes me how the subject is always missed by half the people responding!
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      J O E - F A L C O
RIP Thongprincess/Sawbones!

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Re: League Lane Conditions
« Reply #44 on: December 06, 2007, 08:49:27 AM »
i agree with joe falco here, instead of posting a rant, try to put some legitimate thought into your post before you start typing.  fact of the matter is you have a complaint, complain to the center management not to people on the internet.  if the management truly cares about their bowlers they'll listen to you and resolve the problem, if not just find somewhere else to spend your money.


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Re: League Lane Conditions
« Reply #45 on: December 06, 2007, 09:11:30 AM »
Wow. This thread has sure made for some entertaining reading. Giving Stever5000 the benefit of the doubt that he had honorable intentions in asking the original question, he should have known better. The following question:

How honestly fair is it to expect a fresh shot for a men's league?

invariably creates a slippery slope whenever asked. The 'adjust to anything crowd' will get heartburn and swoop in for the kill. We certainly saw this here.  

As far as the question (that our friend Joe wants to keep focus on), I believe the answer is a qualified no -- we as bowler have no right to expect anything specific.

It's been pointed out that even with the best intents, different parts of most houses tend to play different for various reasons (proximity to doors, air conditioning, wear, etc.).

And sometimes, open play immediately before league can work to the subsequent leagues advantage. I like to practice in that 30 minute window between lane oiling and the start of the first shift league. It's one of the few times I get to bowl on a fresh heavy shot since my leagues are second shift leftovers. In the few games I get in, I dry out a little bit of track between the 5-10 boards that give the proceeding teams a bit of a head start. It can go both ways.

This is all really more about learning to put the starting condition out of your head. You can never control it, so just eliminate the mental baggage and just go out and bowl what you've been served.
"Sometimes, the best move is the one we don't make"

Edited on 12/6/2007 10:13 AM