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Author Topic: League Lane Conditions  (Read 12726 times)


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League Lane Conditions
« on: December 04, 2007, 12:17:12 PM »
Got a question that has probably come up before, but I'm asking anyway.  Take that, forum society.

How honestly fair is it to expect a fresh shot for a men's league?  I'm just wondering because it seems pretty fair to me, especially when the other 14/16 teams get a fresh shot.  I don't expect to pay $15 a week and bowl on a pair that has been used by a bunch of kids using plastic balls and house balls after the lanes had been ran.

Anyone else know what I mean?  I don't want to hear about "good bowlers can adjust" and "it's not like you were the only one who had to bowl on it."  I shot 481 and was third high on the pair.  Our 212 ave. shot 522 and one of their bowlers had 497 (granted he only averaged 177.)  I wasn't even close on the high game pot and didn't go anywhere on brackets, which is what I really rely on every week for spending money.

Not trying to whine about this, but I really don't see this being too fair.  What do you think?
go find a jesus forum if you wanna complain about right and wrong. shove your religious beliefs up your keister and i hereby revoke your man card.
Tee hee!



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Re: League Lane Conditions
« Reply #46 on: December 06, 2007, 12:57:13 PM »
Wow. This thread has sure made for some entertaining reading. Giving Stever5000 the benefit of the doubt that he had honorable intentions in asking the original question, he should have known better. The following question:

How honestly fair is it to expect a fresh shot for a men's league?

invariably creates a slippery slope whenever asked. The 'adjust to anything crowd' will get heartburn and swoop in for the kill. We certainly saw this here.  

As far as the question (that our friend Joe wants to keep focus on), I believe the answer is a qualified no -- we as bowler have no right to expect anything specific.

It's been pointed out that even with the best intents, different parts of most houses tend to play different for various reasons (proximity to doors, air conditioning, wear, etc.).

And sometimes, open play immediately before league can work to the subsequent leagues advantage. I like to practice in that 30 minute window between lane oiling and the start of the first shift league. It's one of the few times I get to bowl on a fresh heavy shot since my leagues are second shift leftovers. In the few games I get in, I dry out a little bit of track between the 5-10 boards that give the proceeding teams a bit of a head start. It can go both ways.

This is all really more about learning to put the starting condition out of your head. You can never control it, so just eliminate the mental baggage and just go out and bowl what you've been served.
"Sometimes, the best move is the one we don't make"

Edited on 12/6/2007 10:13 AM

Thank you.  That was what I was looking for.
go find a jesus forum if you wanna complain about right and wrong. shove your religious beliefs up your keister and i hereby revoke your man card.
Tee hee!