So i just pulled this ball out of my closet which been sitting there for about 2 years or so. It was my first ball and I loved it sooo much, this thing hit like a freight train!!! Now since it was my first ball and I was pretty new to bowling I never cleaned it after games or did anything to it, so i know it has tons of stored up oil, I was going to give it the "hot bath" tonight, but had a question on the "finish" of the ball.
I looked up the ball and all i could find was that it had a polished finish. I read somewhere before giving it the hot bath you should sand the ball down with 400 grit then do it. Now if I do that how do I get my ball back to it's original finish? Also to sand it down, do I just use reg 400 grit sand paper from like home depot? Another question aswell, I believe a pro shop guy recently told me whoever drilled the ball for me when i got it placed the pin dead center above my finger holes and the ball was drilled for more forward roll and less hook, now would changing the surface of the ball make the ball hook a bit more even though the ball is drilled this way?? (I bowl alot different then I used to and I do like more backend hook but woudl prefer not to redrill the ball). I know these ar alot of questions but im very new when it comes to messing with the ball surface and I really wanna get info before I mess up the ball. Thanks in advance.