Me and one of my teammates both bought an original inferno about 6 months ago.
I find mine very strong, perhaps a bit stronger now that the new is totally worn off. Still first ball out of the locker & still hits like a tank. But once the head oil is gone, it starts diving & I know it's time to clean it & put it away.
Now my friends is a totally different story. When he first got it, he could throw that ball anywhere & it found it's way to the pocket with brute force. But about a month ago, his started becoming very unpredictable. It will slide through the breakpoint one shot, and bite in early on the next. He's tried all different angles with this ball, but now just can't get a consistent read on what it will do next.
I've found this ball to be
extremely condition specific, but it amazes me that two balls with the same mileage are not showing the same after effects. He revs alot higher than I do, so maybe he's worn the cover of his ball.

Maybe someday that Big 'B' will learn how to knock down that little 10 pin!