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Author Topic: Fuze Eliminator W/ Rico Drill Experiment (Pics)  (Read 1872 times)


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Fuze Eliminator W/ Rico Drill Experiment (Pics)
« on: January 17, 2006, 07:24:24 AM »
Hey there, hi there, ho there!

Ok guys, we found an old used Fuze Eliminator in the shop and that was pretty cool, because I have been trying to find one of these for awhile. Being a light load particle ball, I've been wanting to fill that gap in my arsenal with a ball that could blend out severe wet/dry's or just a ball that could give me a nice even/controlled look throughout the whole lane.

Last night we cut the plug and punched it up.

Pics of the Fuze Eliminator
Fuze Logo -
Eliminator Logo -
Big B Logo -
Rico Layout View #1 -
Rico Layout View #2 -

Since I track High (5 1/2 over and 5/8 Up), I was afraid that I might clip the middle finger or both of them. Ric Hamlin (BrunsRic) suggested that we shift the Pin 5/8" up from middle of grip in regards to my Vertical coordinates related to my PAP.

Will take it out on the lanes tonight and see if it works out.
Will report back to you guys and let you know how what happens!
If my track doesn't clip any of the finger holes, I'll post a video soon (pics coming soon as well).

Thanks go out to: Goof1073, shelley, DP3, tha fluffer, BrunsRic, Strapper_Squared, BrunsNick & tenpinspro (ball driller).

Thanks for all your help guys!
Regards, M.C. RAMmer

Edited on 1/17/2006 4:19 PM

Edited on 1/18/2006 11:19 AM

Edited on 1/18/2006 11:21 AM



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Re: Fuze Eliminator W/ Rico Drill Experiment (Pics)
« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2006, 03:27:26 PM »
I look forward to seeing the vid.  A friend of mine has an Eliminator that he loves, and I'd like to see how it looks with the Rico on it.



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Re: Fuze Eliminator W/ Rico Drill Experiment (Pics)
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2006, 10:32:32 AM »
Fuze Eliminator Proactive
5 1/2 x 4 1/8
Weighthole 6 3/4" down from pin @ 45 degrees

Ok guys, pics added in the original post. This ball was used and plugged a few times in the same area before I picked it up. Looked like a Pin above ring finger with CG stacked type layout.

Last night we bowled on a medium-oily type pattern. Lanes were AMF synthetic and was heavier (oil concentration) in the middle portion of the lane. Felt sort of like a typical Top Hat type shot.

Tried this ball a few times in practice and the first three frames in the 1st game. I threw a total of about 7-8 shots. First off, I am happy to say that I didn't clip any of the finger holes! I actually tracked lower than normal in regards to the fingers (about 1" to the left of middle finger) and tracked normally towards the edge of the thumb. Neat thing about this layout is that it actually pulled my track away from my fingers as initially I thought I would clip (I normally track very close to the middle finger and edge of thumb).

Holy Cow, this ball is smooth. Clean through the heads and just made a very even arc through the whole lane. Neat thing about it was the way it rolled in the last 10-15 feet of the lane. Although the ball was very even, it still retained good hitting power for the backend. I noticed a good amount of flare rings and I would guess about 2" inches worth (I'll double check when I get home). I put the ball away, because I was having thumb issues and needed to open it up a bit since I was hanging up in it a bit.

This is the reaction I've been looking for. A light load particle with a Rico Drill for added smoothness throughout the lane. Now I truly have a ball that could possibly help me blend out Wet/Dry type patterns or certain sport shots. I am curious about this pattern and would like to try it on a Reactive Coverstock or possibly an Asymmetric Ball. Thanks to everyone for your help and I hope you found this informative.

Next project is to film a few shots in comparison to a few other balls in my arsenal. Perhaps I can get a better view of how smooth this ball is compared to my other equipment. I'll try to get a vid up real soon.

Take er' easy,
Regards, M.C. RAMmer