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Author Topic: Pin Under Which Ball??  (Read 821 times)


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Pin Under Which Ball??
« on: September 11, 2006, 06:44:45 PM »
I have a UI and a Fuze Ignither both with pin slightly above ring finger. Now i want to try having the pin below the the bridge to try for some early roll as i dont have a lot of hand,both balls have a 2half to 3 inch pin so i was wondering which one should i get done or should i get them both done as they dont come out the bag a lot these days. I track pretty high and normally play down and in cos i cant get it back if i stand left. What type of drilling with the pin below fingers and how far below would i have it to get early roll and still with some kick at the end or a good stong arc. Thanks Guys

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Re: Pin Under Which Ball??
« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2006, 03:29:21 AM »
If you want to redrill one of these 2, I'd go with the UI. Pin under ring is usually better suited for oilier conditions, and the UI with its lower RG is the better match for such a setup. The pin distance can become a problem, though, because through the lower pin the CG wanders "downwards" and shifts weight to the thumb. Static weight can become an issue. If you want the ball to turn on oil, I'd suggest placing the CG not directly below (stacked), but rather swing it out 45° towards your PAP. This will make a balance hole necessary, but it is the ultimate oil setup - early roll, arcing midlane move and a killer roll on the back end.

I'd leave the Igniter pin above fingers, since it is a ball taht is designed to go long and snap late. Do not force a ball to be what it is not.

DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany
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DizzyFugu ~ Reporting from Germany