Couple of my students (similar styles to you), had the same problem. With the low RG core, rough buff finish and stronger drillings, Absolute just quit for them on average oil. On oilier conditions, their rev rate and rotation was simple not enough with the factory box surface.
What I did was to drill Absolutes with higher pins, around 4-1/2 to 5, put a strong weight hole and adjust the surface. This literally changed the faith of their Absolutes

IME, it seemed players have lower rev rate with little amount of axis rotation, generally, did not match up with Absolute. On the other hand, they all fell in love with Rampages and Smash-Rs/Nemesis' either polished or sanded. It could be Activator plus, lower RG/high diff. core or combination of many other things, I don't know. I had not come across this problem with the Original Inferno.
First of all, what I would do about my Absolute is to listen Notclay's advice.
For the new ball
- I've drilled couple of Maxxx Zones but I don't have enough experience to make a recommendation.
- Although it has a lower RG core than Nemesis/Wizard, I would suggest Copperhead. Adjust to surface after drilling if necessary.
- Since it is very similar to Original Inferno, you can choose Rattler. Ofcourse, again, you need to adjust the surface after drilling.