Brandon Riley,
I certainly don't have all the answers. All of our posts are based on our own experiences with certain equipment. Your assessment is not "unfounded" based on your experiences.
Like I said my remarks weren't directed at you, personally. It may have seemed that way because my post was directly after yours, but it was not intended that way here. It was more the result of some other experiences I've had on here that "stuck under my skin" a little. If I seemingly singled you out, I offer my apologies.
This is an open forum where most of us try our best to offer advice to help others, probably because we love bowling. Sometimes there's the guy who just wants to stir things up, but I believe that most of us fit under my first description of those who want to help. To all on here, best of luck with our equipment choices. May they always be the right ones.
Lane Carter, Strike Zone Pro Shops - Salt Lake City, Utah
Brunswick Amateur Staff