With all due respect 302efi, I do most of my bowling/ball tests on PBA patterns. So the differences are more pronounced.
In addition, without trying to sound over confident, I think I know a thing or two about ball reaction. Learning, discussing and studying ball reaction with the likes of Rick Benoit, JustRico, Bill Orlikowski, Chuck Gardner, Mo Pinel, Mike Luongo, Brunsnick just to name a few, has been VERY educational.
I have been very fortunate in my bowling life to have the opportunity to talk with, listen to and work with all of these people mentioned above. Along with countless other's that I have learned from.
This ball is VERY special. Gets down the lane with ease with a very strong backend.
Come on people...This describes every new ball that comes out...lol
When are we going to relize that this ball will pretty much do what every other ball does on a THS ?
I will head to my local pro shop. Right after I buy it online.
Sport Bowling is a F**king joke
Larry Verble
Edited on 10/27/2008 6:26 PM