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Author Topic: 6 ball roller  (Read 1410 times)


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6 ball roller
« on: June 13, 2004, 11:38:07 AM »
I was offered a deal on a new 6 ball roller that was too good to pass up. My intention was to use this thing for the two times a year that I drive out of town for tournament competetion. Well folks, I can tell you that the bag is beautiful. However, trying to move around with this thing isn't easy. I would estimate that fully loaded, it weighs 125lbs. Going up and down steps or through doors takes some effort. Walking through a packed bowling establishment pulling this bag requires an "excuse me" almost every step of the way. I have to disassemble the bag to put in into my car, and of course, it was raining when I got to the tournament, so I had to assemble the bag in the rain. I removed one of the tiers and used the bag as a 4 ball roller, and it was better, although it still is cumbersome. If anyone out there is considering one of these 6 ball rollers, I would suggest that before you purchase it, perhaps ask a pro shop operator who sells these things if he would allow you to load up a bag with 6 balls in order to see if you are satisfied with the weight and portability.



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Re: 6 ball roller
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2004, 02:46:47 AM »
I know that most of the "top" bowlers in this area, where we also have to contend with snow in the winters", prefer 2 Three ball rollers to either the 4 or 6 ball rollers. It is easier to "snake" a three ball roller through the lanes, and there seems to be additionally more pocket space on them (combined) as to a 4 or 6 ball roller.

Personally, I gave my 4 ball roller to my son, purchased a folding luggage cart ($15.00) and a H.D. bungee cord ($3.00) and use 2 ball totes. I can stack anywhere from one to four 2 ball bags, and it works fantastic!
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Re: 6 ball roller
« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2004, 11:29:53 AM »
I have a 6 ball roller, and it is very heavy to move around. What I've started doing is pushing it instead of pulling it - makes it much easier to manage. Of course, stairs are out of the question entirely...

I considered 2 3 ball rollers, but the 3 ball roller is right at the limit of what I can lift into the truck - the 2 ball breakdown sections make that a lot easier for me.

And - no one says I have to use all 3 sections - there are times I'll leave the middle section out and just take 4 balls. Much easier to handle.
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