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Author Topic: LT-48 drilling advice to go with a Melee and Versa-Max  (Read 3554 times)


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LT-48 drilling advice to go with a Melee and Versa-Max
« on: June 17, 2014, 09:17:23 PM »
My pro shop has a fully plugged LT-48 that I picked up in trade.  I'm looking for layout advice from you other Brunswick fans.  I'm mostly a THS guy and never see any truly heavy volume.

About me:  I'm a low revs/speed stroker (about 225 rpm/12 mph).  I'm not sure about tilt or rotation.  PAP is 4 3/8 over and 1/16 up.  My "a" game is 20 to 10, but I can play an inside line or down the twig.  I like my balls to give me a little bounce off the dry. 

My VersaMax is at 500/2000/4000 + snake oil.  Sorry no dual angles, but this is your classic label drill with the pin right in the bottom right corner of the ring finger.  It is great on light to medium oil... has a magnet to the pocket.

As many others have said, the Melee is second to the VersaMax IMO.  Not as much backend as promised.  But at 2000 polished it's a good first game ball. With this layout it is good for a direct line to the pocket.  I'm attaching a pic. 

I want to be able to play a little deeper line with the LT-48 when the lanes start to break down.  I want the option to either move left with the LT-48 or move right with the VersaMax. 

In the end this may not be the best 3-ball arsenal, but the truth is I want all three balls!  ;D

Plus I have a Raven Quantum, Teal Rhino Pro, Gold Rhino Pro, OG Aura, and Strike King to go with these!

« Last Edit: June 18, 2014, 01:20:10 AM by dougb »



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Re: LT-48 drilling advice to go with a Melee and Versa-Max
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2014, 09:48:57 PM »
Oh yeah and being the Brunswick ball ho that I am how did I forget my Ringer?  This is actually a great option for when the lanes open up.  I was thinking about a similar drill on my LT-48.  Or maybe stacked pin over ring.  If the LT-48 is going to overlap with my other stuff I'm open to suggestions -- unless your suggestion is don't get the ball!

« Last Edit: June 17, 2014, 11:32:21 PM by dougb »


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Re: LT-48 drilling advice to go with a Melee and Versa-Max
« Reply #2 on: June 18, 2014, 03:19:26 AM »
If your Ringer allows you to open up the angles a bit, and you want the LT-48 for the same, I'd stick with a similar layout.  I like pin down for your lower track.

The LT-48 is a GREAT piece, so drill it up.  Take the surface to 500, then 1000, and finish it around 3000 for about 20 seconds each side on the spinner (with water).  Surface will help it read the mid-lane and still finish.

On a side note,  most people are adding too many "steps" before they polish the ball, unless you bowl on very dry lanes.  If you intend to finish with polish (with your lower track) I'd seriously resurface your Versa Max and/or Melee at 500, Royal Compound (or Rough Buff) and try it.  You can always add a step at 1000 if you want it a little less aggressive later.  (If I ever had one at 500, 2000, 4000, PLUS polish it would go so long it would be for bowling on the "Sahara Desert" and would not get much use.)

The LT-48 is a real gem in my opinion, so put a tried-and-true layout on it then adjust surface to your taste.  Again, I really love it without shine, but not too dull.  Keep us informed.

EDIT:  Is your span REALLY shorter from thumb to ring finger?  Those pics appear that way, and although it's not impossible, it's not very common.  The other thing is your inserts.  Middle finger looks close, however, the ring finger typically should be turned slightly left (towards the center of span) so you come out of it cleaner and don't wear out the "side" of the insert.  In other words, the middle finger should angle slightly right (towards center) and the ring finger slightly left (towards center).  If you use the power lifts getting them lined up properly can really make a difference.

« Last Edit: June 18, 2014, 03:31:19 AM by notclay »


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Re: LT-48 drilling advice to go with a Melee and Versa-Max
« Reply #3 on: June 18, 2014, 08:14:07 AM »
Thanks Lane.  I think I will go with the same layout on the LT 48.

As for the others, I looked back at my notes and realize that I have the Melee at OOB still and the Ringer at 2000 polished.  The VersaMax goes long indeed but that is why I have it that way as I use that ball to play down the outside. 

What looks so odd about my equipment is that I use Bill Hall's Tri Grip on my equipment.  Best fit I've ever had.  If you saw my stuff under the Morich fitting system it would all look pretty conventional.  The Tri Grip shortened my ring finger span, changed my pitches, and twisted my finger inserts.  I never looked back.


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Re: LT-48 drilling advice to go with a Melee and Versa-Max
« Reply #4 on: June 18, 2014, 09:40:41 AM »

Whatever works for you is always the correct way.  Have fun with your LT-48!


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Re: LT-48 drilling advice to go with a Melee and Versa-Max
« Reply #5 on: June 18, 2014, 09:43:55 PM »
Okay so we went with a very similar drill to the Ringer.  Pin under with CG kicked out.  Had to do a weight hole to take out some of the side weight.

You guys were right:  the ball is everything I expected the Melee to be.  Smooth as can be, great length, and a controlled but strong move on the backend.  I started out playing the same line as the Melee and kept moving left with it.  Where the Melee couldn't recover on the backend, the LT-48 had no problem at all.  I was 4 boards left of the Melee and 6 of the Versa Max and Ringer.  I ended up playing 23 to 4 with it watching it roll into the pocket every time.  This was on a broken down house shot.

I'm looking forward to getting some more games on it and reporting back.


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Re: LT-48 drilling advice to go with a Melee and Versa-Max
« Reply #6 on: June 19, 2014, 07:49:15 AM »
Glad to hear that the LT-48 fit a gap in your arsenal. I wish you continued success with the Brunswick balls.
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