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Author Topic: Mastermind Einstein vs Genius  (Read 3170 times)


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Mastermind Einstein vs Genius
« on: October 18, 2017, 01:17:16 PM »
Little History: I had a Genius that I took to a proshop to have the grip tweeked and left another ball (symmetrical) to match. Proshop operator misunderstood and plugged the Genius and used the layout from the symmetrical ball and put it on the genius which ended up having the mass bias way left of my thumb pin 2 inches right and a little above my ring finger(I'm right handed). I didn't say anything and just took it and figured it was trash. On a breaking down (2 to 3 league games) lane the ball ended up being a SUPER ANGULAR BEAST but 2 weeks later it cracked and I have been unable to find another as a replacement.

So, Last week I found a good deal on an Einstein thinking they would be halfway close. Had it drilled the same way. Tried it on a set of used lanes (3games of league) and the ball is nothing like the Genius was. With the Genius I could move as far left as I wanted and it would just keep turning the corner. This ball just skids and never makes the corner. If I move right it would hook the entire lane. So my question is what would be the best surface adjustment to make to the Einstein to get it closer to the Genius? Should I take it to 500 and Polish it? Sorry for the long post.



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Re: Mastermind Einstein vs Genius
« Reply #1 on: October 18, 2017, 02:03:11 PM »
The only thing in common between the Genius and the Einstein were the Mastermind name different surface, cover, and core. In my opinion the Einstein is the better ball between the two though.

If your having a hard time getting it to turn the corner though you need to increase surface not decrease it unless the lanes were so toasted it was burning up. The Einstein was more of a strong benchmark piece for me though if you want angular the Braniac would have been a better choice.


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Re: Mastermind Einstein vs Genius
« Reply #2 on: October 18, 2017, 02:25:21 PM »
The Einstein has a stronger cover and will handle more oil and have more overall hook as  well


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Re: Mastermind Einstein vs Genius
« Reply #3 on: October 18, 2017, 02:27:32 PM »
Yeah I definitely made the wrong choice.


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Re: Mastermind Einstein vs Genius
« Reply #4 on: October 18, 2017, 02:42:31 PM »
I have to say your Einstein not turning the corner really surprises me. Mine is pretty clean and strong off the spot from anywhere on the lane. Not that I get to use it for straighter angles that often though. Doesn't have a drilling that I would normally think of putting on a ball to react like that either. And I keep it at 1500/2500 with the Sandbagger and Mirka pads. Just an odd reaction given what I've seen from my other equipment, but hey I'll take it. Here I was worried about it being too close to my Grudge Hybrid. Nope.

Bringing to to 500 with polish might help in your case. I think that's the factory finish for the Brainiac and it wouldn't hurt to try. Otherwise I'm not sure what would do the trick if the layout is the same.

And for what it's worth the Einstein and Brainiac share the same core. They both had the "updated" Mastermind core. I think the Einstein was the first to come out with it.

Brandon Riley

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Re: Mastermind Einstein vs Genius
« Reply #5 on: October 18, 2017, 05:53:39 PM »
Interesting, as I saw the Einstein as cleaner and more angular than the Genius.
I'd hit it with a 4k to get it to start up a little and see what happens from there. 
Brandon Riley
Hammer Regional Staff


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Re: Mastermind Einstein vs Genius
« Reply #6 on: October 19, 2017, 09:34:09 AM »
Brandon everywhere else I researched the Einstein said it was more angular as well until I started reading up on it here. By then I had already made the purchase and drilled the ball.

The crazy thing is the Genius had the exact same problem before the driller changed the layout (MB was originally in the strong position just right of thumb new layout had the MB a few inches on the left side of the thumb).

Is it possible that the plug material in the Genius was responsible for the huge reaction difference and nothing really to do with the layout Change? Or maybe the Einstein is that much stronger than the Genius?

I've tried to attach a pic of Genius but the file is too large.

I never seem to jive well with new balls. I always end up back with a 2005 C300 Action Packed. I've had 4 of them.


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Re: Mastermind Einstein vs Genius
« Reply #7 on: October 19, 2017, 10:02:13 AM »

My Einstein was the more versatile of the two.  As I recall, I kept it around 2000 and it handled oil better, and overall was more consistent for me. 

The Genius was also better with some polish knocked off but didn't recover as well as the Einstein.  I could miss outside forever with the Einstein and it always seemed to find it's way back to the pocket.