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Author Topic: Mastermind Genius vs Mastermind Intellect  (Read 4827 times)


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Mastermind Genius vs Mastermind Intellect
« on: October 22, 2014, 03:01:55 PM »
I'm looking to replace an old 900 Global Bank with one of these two balls. The Bank for me gave me something on heavy oil I never had before - It grabbed the midlane well but still had a lot of energy left downlane to give me a strong, continuous backend move.

I want to replace it with something that'll give me a similar look. I don't need the dullest ball out there, but I do want something that will have no problem reading the lanes when the oil is heavier or longer.

The original Mastermind would be too much ball for me considering most places around here don't put enough volume. The Bank was a high end ball, but it was definitely usable around here. Thus, I'm considering the Genius and Intellect. All the things I've read give me mixed signals. I know the genius is hybrid and the Intellect is solid, but I've seen places that say the Intellect reads earlier and backends harder. It's confusing.

Could anyone who has seen or thrown both give me an honest review of how the two balls compare, and which one would replace my Bank best?

FWIW, I throw it 14.5-15.5 mph, pap is about 4 1/8 over and 1/2 up. Fairly matched with speed and revs.




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Re: Mastermind Genius vs Mastermind Intellect
« Reply #1 on: October 22, 2014, 03:10:39 PM »

I think the Intellect has been more forgiving for me out of the two mentioned.  I have tried both at various surfaces and believe that on the fresh the Intellect should be your ticket.

If you're wanting something to use when the lanes start breaking down to open up your angles (a lot) then the Genius may be the better option.


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Re: Mastermind Genius vs Mastermind Intellect
« Reply #2 on: October 22, 2014, 09:54:49 PM »
I'm a bit more blunt on my experience with the two. The Genius was a miss. The Intellect is down right awesome. I wish I could throw the Intellect more but haven't seen enough oil to. Trying out the Thug tomorrow.
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Re: Mastermind Genius vs Mastermind Intellect
« Reply #3 on: October 22, 2014, 10:55:01 PM »
The Intellect is absolutely amazing! The Genius was ok for me, but not the ball I was hoping for. The Intellect is strong and with surface, is even stronger! If you're searching for a ball for the fresh, this is it. A good 1-2 punch would be the Mastermind Intellect and the DV8 Thug. The Thug is 1-2ft longer with a strong backend reaction with continuation. Talking to Johnny Petraglia yesterday he said he loves the Intellect. With out a doubt his favorite ball. But when he needs to get the ball down lane he goes right to the Thug. He said the Thug is just a longer Intellect.
Tom M.


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Re: Mastermind Genius vs Mastermind Intellect
« Reply #4 on: October 22, 2014, 11:19:30 PM »
In spite of its overall strength I believe the original Mastermind is the ball most comparable to the Bank.  If you are concerned about getting enough length on oiler conditions the Mastermind Intellect may be a better choice. As Lane said, the Intellect is the most versatile of the balls mentioned and is stronger than the Genius.  The Genius wouldn't be the best choice on a true heavier oil condition.
Chris Garrett
Upstate Pro Shop
Greenville, SC  864-248-4737

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Re: Mastermind Genius vs Mastermind Intellect
« Reply #5 on: November 02, 2014, 06:39:23 PM »
The Intellect is absolutely amazing! The Genius was ok for me, but not the ball I was hoping for. The Intellect is strong and with surface, is even stronger! If you're searching for a ball for the fresh, this is it. A good 1-2 punch would be the Mastermind Intellect and the DV8 Thug. The Thug is 1-2ft longer with a strong backend reaction with continuation. Talking to Johnny Petraglia yesterday he said he loves the Intellect. With out a doubt his favorite ball. But when he needs to get the ball down lane he goes right to the Thug. He said the Thug is just a longer Intellect.

At the seminar at Pa. he was rolling the Thug very well. I three it and absolutely fell in love with it. The Mastermind line is awesome and I agree The Intellect would be the way to go. All 3 work well with one another.
Radical Advisory Staffer
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