Well, in deciding on a new ball, I was looking originally at the Danger Zone and Wizard. After showing the guy at the proshop all the stuff I had, he said I was really missing something with some length to it and recomended the Rampage. After much deliberation, I went with his recomendation and had him drill it up for me yesterday. When he boxed it up, right there on the side of the box was the made in Mexico! Funny thing is, there is no mention of where the ball is made on the ball itself. I was not happy about Brunswick's move to Mexico, but did not think it would have any detrimental effects on their equipment. If anything the new facility should help them to produce some new and exciting stuff. After throwing a few games in practice this afternoon, all I have to say is "this ball is so Money". Look for a review in the review section soon and pics of the ball will be in my profile soon as well.