Well after struggling with the idea of selling the fury or trying to plugg and redrill or manipulate the cover/weight hole I decided to polish it. I was haveing bad trouble with the ball not hooking or finishing, I was getting massive amounts of flare but very little movement. I had only thrown the ball 4-5 times with no luck. A quick inspection of the cover/flare rings led me to belive i had the dreaded over flareing problem I run into when I drill stronger balls with a medium rg layout. I finaly got the chance to throw some ruff buff on it last night before league and was really suprised at the new found reaction of this strong cover and core combination. I was able to open the lane up with it and did shoot 300 the first game. This is the first time I have had a chance to use the ball in league and thought it to be great on the fresh but not sure on the transitioning side. I am going to leave it at ruff buff for now untill after tonight when I see how it works on a touch slicker pair of lanes in my mens league. i will then know what my options are with the surface and weight hole location to get it to store energy a touch better. If i do put a weight hole in it I am thinking about 1-2" inside of my pap to bring it back to 1/2 oz side, the ball has 7/8 side 3/4 finger as it sits. Will post back after tonight to update.