Octane pearl is IMO more aggressive/nervous to wet/dry changes than Activator or PK18, which will read the lane even a tad earlier.
This said, the RI is a touchy ball. Goes very long on oil, skids well, and snappy once it hits the dry. But this can also be its downfall, especially with OOB finish.
What I can recommend:
- have the ball drilled a bit stronger (more flare) than you'd normally think. Will help prevent constant over/ubnder battles. Even a balance hole for extra flare might help once the ball is drilled.
- do not hesitate to tinker with the surface. Ball comes polished, but applying a high grit finish like 4.000 Abralon has changed the ball's reaction for good around me. Maybe Rough Buff is also a thing to try if the ball does not read the lane well and is simply too nervous. Watch the ball#s recation, and experiment. The ball has huge potnetila, but it can be hard to tap.
DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany
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