Mike, I had the same issue with my Total as well. Mine is drilled 5x5, pin over bridge CG kicked slightly out, small XH on PAP. I found that my ball OOB would not recover when I had to swing the ball, I saw a similar reaction to yours. Mine did not look like it was rolling out, just failing miserably to turn. My Red Zone, drilled the same, would recover just fine but the Total looked like hell. The ball had a good reaction when I kept the angle off my hand down, playing straighter, but the dull cover took off on me far too early.
I have since put a coat of High Gloss polish over box finish and slightly scuffed it by hand with gray SB pad. The ball now reacts much better for me. While I still cannot play the deep inside angles with it as carry is suspect, I find this ball to work very well for me when I need to play straighter.
I am thinking of plugging the XH and shifting it down along the VAL to increase the flare, but right now I like the reaction I'm getting out of it. While it doesn't react like I had anticipated, it gives me a look I didn't previously have.
Dan Chambers